This is Brian Wray

15  2017-04-08 by unclepaul84


He looks like the forgotten Manning brother who throws like a girl.

Who is he ? Besides his name I don't know who this is ?

He is vocalist and entertainer best know for his YouTube sensation "Uhuru"

why come he dont have no black people in his music??

Ask Brian Gilgore. He's a spook.

Ahh yes now I know the reference.

Who dis nigga?


he looks severely depressed

Not enough

They write that song about him?

Looks like Rick Santorum

And even gayer.

And more Santorum.

I'm more of a Sean Conley fan myself.

A war of attrition and a universal draft would eliminate "men" like this very quickly.

Looks like a dude ready to get some veneratin' done.

nofap #dicksinmybutt

his purpose in life is to breed with another white woman and so his children can service black men

knob gobbler

Goo gobbler

Who's cock did he leave his lips on.

For real. He has none.

Where the wEeEeEeeeEeEeeeest, is the bEeEEeEeeEeeEEeEEEeEeeEeest

Looks like a man who enjoys a nice ham and cheese sandwich

he looks like a frankfurter with a face

He looks like the type of guy who would hold up a conversation to make you listen to him recite a joke he overheard

He is vocalist and entertainer best know for his YouTube sensation "Uhuru"

And even gayer.
