Sam Roberts is a pube-headed little fuck who is genuinely passionate about a form of entertainment aimed at teenagers and slow adults

62  2017-04-07 by Crownenberg


You nailed it.

It's still real to me!!!

"Take it easy, mayn..."

I bet you wouldn't be saying that if Ric Flair had you in a figure four you fucking faggot

Shit I didn't realised I'd created a slow adult trap with this post. Let me open and release you back into the wild.

I'd remind him his junkie son died like a loser.

God damn JJJ, your one ruthless son of a bitch

I'm the destroyer

I wouldnt say anything! I'd be coming in my skin-tight spandex

*aimed at children and gay adults.

slow gay children, my favourite

but that's who O&A is aimed at

These accumulating statement-based posts are starting to resemble a William Burroughs novel.

I'll have you know Brendan Dassey is not slow!

I'm happy to see the Sam hatred gaining a foothold

I feel like your teenage years are when people stop watching wrestling. I remeber stopping in Jr High. Feels like more of a 6-12 activity.

I will gladly throw wrestling under the bus to see Sam hatred grow. I-i-i-it's fake you know! And gay!

With all the reasons to hate Sam, this is what you settled on? The same post that's been made 15 times in the last week and a half?

you like rasslin too faggot? are you 8 as well?

He's that little rat-monkey thing on Jabba The Hutt's shoulder and I always knew and always predicted that sneaky little would stab Opie under the bus whenever he saw the chance. He would, and probably has, done faggotry on men for favours and blackmail purposes for himself later. And he is horrible on radio. The worst. I can't really understand how he is allowed to be on the air or how eRock hasn't hulk-smashed that snickering little shit. The wrestling thing is disturbing, he is disturbing, we'd all be better off if he himself became slow from a well-timed head injury. Enough so he just stays at home watching WWE or that other even crappier cheap looking version. The worst.

stab Opie under the bus

I'm not sure Sam's quite that dexterous.

oh he's a gymnast when it comes to stabbing. Stabbin' Sam Roberts