ALL O&A-related comedians from Season 2 of the Big Jay show in one video (Jim Norton, Bobby, Attell, Artie, DiPaolo, Ronnie B)

37  2017-04-07 by [deleted]



Wish i lived near the Stand


Braun is my hero.

I love u

Why is Norton on this list?

Bobby killed it

Just got to his set. He really did. His confidence and crowd work shit was masterful.

Bobby was vicious. Best I've ever seen him. I love Nick, but yeah he lost the crowd at the start with his Trump shit. He had a couple good lines, he's really quick, but he had already lost them. Nick is getting old and too fucking deep in this political obsession. Unfortunately all Italians get like this when they hit 50 years old and become rabid Conservative diehards.

nick is one of my favorite guys but watching this i was just like "wow he cannot get away from the race topic" hes just like Anthony. I tapped out on nicks podcast around election time and havent looked back since. I still consider him one of my favorites and obviously hes gonna talk race and politics be cause that is who he is, but when he gets rolling on drowning it gets bad

In fairness to Nick, that crowd was full of either young white hipster libs or every other nationality. Nick's type of humor offends these people. His racial jokes weren't even that mean, like the Al Roker's son observation. When he knew he completely lost them, I love that he is like fuck it, they want to see racism? This sensitive crowd, I'll give them racist jokes...and just goes on a rant and attacks the next black guy he sees in the crowd. He's fearless.

Doesn't that just show he only has one angle to his humor though? I find him hilarious at times, but if he was a master at the "Craft of comedy" he would have destroyed everyone in that room

The term "craft of comedy" was used only ironically to mock other comedians, or people like Opie, and does not represent the views of U/Carribbeanjimmy or his assoicates

What is Nick's one angle of humor? An oppressed middle aged Guinea discussing race and gender issues? Chappelle just made 60 million on this angle of comedy from a middle aged black man perspective. Chappelle is a one trick pony though too.

I love Bobby, but he just seemed like he had to get mean instead of funny. Jim norton came across as a total creep, and absolutely desperate, not trying to do "crowd work" but actually trying to pick up women. Jim you're a strange little blinking man who occasionally says hilarious shit, other than a paycheck you have nothing a woman wants. It makes me cringe thinking about the women he's attempting to appeal to "Anyone single in the crowd?... I'm single too!" No shit! I skipped through Artie, he's just a disaster at this point. Nick was in the wrong crowd and knew it from the start, he did his racist guinea thing and got off the stage. Dave Attell is the lovable "piece of shit" though, he could grope your grandma's tits on christmas day in front of you, say something clever, "Oh that's just Dave"... He always wins

DiPaolo was fucking hilarious. The audience were a bunch of faggots

He didn't bomb, the audience wasn't receptive and he didn't care. He was still funny, but he wasn't trying to grab the crowd at any time. All of these were pretty good. There are sets way way worse than Dipaolo's.

Nick is terribly unfunny as a standup. Always has been.

no tim dillon?

thank you

First of all, thank you Braun. If you find yourself in London, the drinks and hand jobs are on me.

Second, what great chemistry between Big Jay "a flock of seagulls shat in my hair" Oakerson and Jim Norton. Those guys really love each other, right, team?

It's hard to see where the rumor that they don't like each other comes from.

Great find. Clicked it to see what it was 48 minutes ago, and wound up watching the whole thing.

Is Nick Dipaolos career just shitting itself, or is semi-bombing and being out of touch his schtick? He was brutal on JRE too.

"Eh, Sock-uh mowoms. Am I right, folks?"

Subtract the conservative shit and add Jimmy's obsession with dick-sucking and you'll have Lisa Lampanelli's act

I think it's just age. I forget what I was listening to, but I heard him say he'd been crying a lot lately or something like that. He's hemorrhaging testosterone.

so this is comedy with crowdwork where bonnie mcfarlane stands next to the audience members interjecting unhelpful observations about your jokes.


Braun, you're the best. Any chance you have full episodes?

There are very few things more cringe-inducing than the flagrantly embellished guffawing of an audience member being targeted by painfully unfunny crowdwork jokes

The sound of a standup comedy crowd clapping & woo'ing is the most annoying thing I've ever heard.

Yes! I've been looking for this (probably awful) show for awhile! I can't access Seeso in Canada and I couldn't find torrent. Now I have something to watch while I drown my self hatred and loneliness in booze tonight! You made my Friday!🍻πŸ₯‚πŸΉπŸΎπŸ·πŸ₯ƒπŸ€— Any chance you have links to full episodes?

I don't have them unfortunately, just went through and screencapped the O&A people

Artie is fucking lazy, I've heard 80% of his "crowd work" before.

What are you pouring that shit on cheeseburgers? has to be on at least year 10 by now


Holy shit I'm amazed Jim's ever gotten laid

Bobby & Attell were the best of this.

Jesus, that crowd was uptight.

Holy fuck Atell i soooooooo good. So many great lines. All the others really pale in comparison

Loved Ron's segment, sounded a lot like Ron&Fez.

Bob Kelly must have bombed hard and they sweetened his audience up in post.

DiPaolo's set was probably messed with hard as well, they made him look very hatable, they certainly left in the Trump gloating, that got no reaction.

Ron was good and he has all the tools but none of the fine craftsmanship experience. His set was like a Katana blade being used by the best cosplay Jedi Master.

This is lifesaving. My life is worth a month long seeso subscription

i love nick dipaolo .. this just really shows what is is with politics these days.

look at your moron hacks killing it. nick was hilarious but they dont like it. 8 years trump get used to it make me a white russian

Jimmy has to be using some sort of amphetamine product. No sober or sane person can possibly have that level of bizarre, inhuman body language and facial expressions.

Holy fuck that was hard to watch. everybody bombed, Nick DiPaolo the hardest. Kurt Metzger was so fucking high on coke I'm surprised his heart didn't burst. 🍾 even todd barry pulled off some decent crowd work on that special he did. maybe it was just edited badly.. it didn't work at all. πŸ€—πŸ₯‚

This whole show seems to be bomb after bomb. I have rarely seen someone truly pull it off well. It's crowd work comedy done by comedians who aren't crowd workers and done to a crowd that is possibly one of the worst makeups of people who would be comfortable and enjoying of having crowd work comedy done on them, borderline SJW-ish people forced to sit next to others that they don't even know in what looks like someone trying to set up a toothpaste commercial to be as diversified as possible