The Merriam-Webster definition of the word BETA

0  2017-04-07 by unclepaul84


Some guy on Bennington this week said that jims kid is soo cool cuz he can name all the members of zeplin, sabbath, rage etc.. the kid should be playing with transformers... or whatever the fuck toys are popular now

i guess he'd rather fill his kids mind up with those things instead of his mommy being plowed by a cop in the back of a minivan florentine paid for while its parked in a cross fit gym parking lot

I bet the poor kid dreads custody visits with his cuck of a father.

I wondwer if his son will have long hair & a black metal-band tshirt, a mere 25years after it started to look freakish

OHHH yes!! ribs a'hurtin' ova heeere