Sam: "You can die from chlorine!?"

34  2017-04-07 by greeneyedunicorn2

What a fucking retard.


"Why would there be butterflies in Syria?". He's a shit head.

How can an adult be that stupid? You can die from too much of almost anything. Too much oxygen? Dead. Too much water? Dead. Too many big fawkin peckahs? ya dead.

Yeah but have you really thought about water?

Not too much

Dvv dvv

Fuckin' water - how does it work?

Like, what is it REALLY. #pottalk

Yeah, but the purpose of bleach is to kill shit. Chlorine gas was kind of a big deal in World War I. Chlorine pools clean and surfaces sterile because it kills microbes.

I guess Sam's too busy eating chicken tendies and watching wrestling to read a book every once in a while.

Yeah you'd have to be completely ignorant of WWI to not know about chlorine gas

I too heard this.. and I too tough this

I heard that the best way to clean wrestling merch is with chlorine and bleach mixed together, give it a shot!

No, that's how you grow amazing crystals you fucking idiot. Learn some basic chemistry, asshole.

He's Opie-level dumb. He might have more self-awareness than Opie, but he's just as fucking retarded.

the more he speaks, the more i begin to realize it. matter of fact, he repeats quite a few opie-isms

At least on O&A, Opie would occasionally, out of shame, shut the fuck up when the conversation changed to something he didn't understand or when the room was full of people that are actually funny. Sam will not stop fucking rambling no matter the topic. I can't even listen to the show to enjoy how dumb he sounds, it just makes me furious.

Opie would occasionally, out of shame, shut the fuck up

What show did you listen to

What show did you listen many shows are there where you forget Opie exists? 5 or 6 funny people being funny and a silent person playing with his phone...It happened all the time.

Every show he's becoming more Opie-like. A lot more arrogance too. His career needs to end ASAP.

It's nice that people are finally fucking waking up to this. All the little faggots that used to flame whoever bashed Sam for being Opie Jr made me sick.

Syracuse University must be so proud that one of their alumni broadcasts his own ignorance about any cultural and political subject to the 68 people who can still tolerate his kike voice every day. I've said it once, I will say it a thousand times. The guy is a stupid nigger.

You can die from CO2? But we breathe that out!


Sam: "Why is my clown hair falling out?"

So his mom can stuff it in her asshole.

Can you though?

He wanted Opie's seat. He manoeuvred to get Opie's seat. He landed Opie's seat. And now, he's receiving the same hate Opie got.

I wonder if he has backstabber's remorse right now.

He's got Opie's seat, but Sam DIDN'T put together the best radio show of all time, so he gets no free pass. extra hate!

Actually, Sam was the major organizing force of the David & Bobo Show. So, I think its time you eat your words

my mistake, I'll bend over right now to be corrrectedd

Can't wait for hormone flavored tendies to cause his tits to bloom to match his voice and his general attitude towards everything.

Sam picked up the worst habits from O&A. Because he was their producer, and part of the gang, O&A let him slide for years on-air when he should have been getting smashed. He now assumes that he is actually a suitable replacement for one, both, of half of either O or A.

Sam is not a replacement for anyone. Sam is a lazy host. He was coddled by his edgy bosses, who protected him. In turn, their edgy fanbase coddled him too and had low expectations for him (same thing happened with people who tolerated/defended Opie.)

Now, with mommy and daddy gone, little Sam has to rough it on his own, with his own skills, based on his own merits. You know what you get with O&A&J circa 2009 doing a lazy political rant? Some funny one liners and trashing of politicians. You know what you get with Jim & Sam doing a lazy political rant? Two guys who have based all of their satire on not knowing what the fuck is happening in the real world, repeating worn-out speculation that has already gone through corporate and conspiracy theory filters, and making vague, silly comments wherever possible while pretending that you aren't winging the entire conversation, and winging your own opinion, making it up as you go along, in real time.

Another fine Syracuse product.

Of the O&A crew, Ant was the only one with any real knowledge. I'm not saying the wop was a genius, but he was the only one with even a basic grasp of the world around him. He had a decent understanding of politics and just knew a little bit more about how things work than the rest of them.

Opie, Jim, and Sam, are all blithering retards when it comes to anything except their respective narrow fields of interest.

I really hate to admit it but I think he's passed Opie in being unlistenable. In the last 6 months I've listened to more Opie than Sam.