So, been out of the loop for a few months. What's happened w/ O&A&J&Bobo?

0  2017-04-07 by liberalredditsucks


We are now a redbar sub.... horn

BroJoe for a job.

Just kidding

they were very badly raped

Opie, Anthony, Jimmy and Bobo declared their unspoken love for one another in a touching final show. They've moved to San Francisco where they own a little bed and breakfast and have glorious man on man 4 way love every night. Ron Bennington announced a few weeks ago that the guys have told him they plan on adopting several children soon.

So the boys are doing great and we should respect their privacy and trouble them no more.

Oh, Bobo? Bobo watches the show Lost every week, everyday, Lost, when it's on every week. Bobo.

They were deported to Mexico.