Since we're not going to get anything of value from the uninformed cunts with satellite radio shows (Jim and Sam/Opie), or whinging from a Tunisian degenerate (Anthony): What's THIS SUBS take on the whole Syria thing?

13  2017-04-07 by TangerineReam


i downvoted your thread

the Syrian controversy is being used as a tool by Jewish elite globalists to drive the final nail in white, western, Christian civilization by using mass scale immigration to permanently genetically eradicate, through Brazil style miscegenation, the white christian races promoted by primarily Jewish globalist formed laws and propaganda in those host countries

Can you unpack that a little more? Like elaborate...

if u pay me

Your mothers cunt then...

I will write 4000 words on this if you post a pic of yourself holding a post it note with "forcedhammer inside me" written on it. You can hide your face.

You sure seem to crave attention.

I think if we build lots of wells, plant lots of trees, give lots of clothing and canned foods, the war will definitely stop.

I bet if we just made a weed bomb we could just drop it on all of them and they would chill the fuck out maaaaaan.

Yeah, but without their consent to get high we really are no better than the terrorists. Let's just learn Arabic and translate "What About Bear" by Suzanna Bloom for Youtube. Make a real difference.

How about showing this across the nation? It's enough to melt anyone's heart.

I'm not sure what just happened but I, at least briefly, didn't feel like going outside and punching the first person that looks like an asshole.

I'll be drilling holes in canoes.

Pot Talk Friday!

Where we at with the Syria? sniff

We did a lot for, uh, Bashar al-Assad back in the day. cough Haven't, ahh, heard from him in awhile.

Geopolitics interest me but I don't presume to know anything about it. Two of my best friends growing up were Iraqis who emigrated after the first Gulf War. Both of their fathers got kidnapped when they returned to Iraq (separate incidents, they didn't go together); one was ransomed and the other was killed. Both sons have good work ethics and now attrnd better schools than me

So I don't hate Arabs or people from the Middle-East, sorry. The news tells me Assad is evil but that's only because he's buddies with Putin, the rebels kill people too. I don't care if we send troops as long as there's no draft, we have a professional army and I don't feel bad about volunteer soldiers dying in the way they chose to die. If the Syrian people by and large want the West to intervene, I wouldn't care if we sent troops. Cause even though I don't know who's in the right, I think it's shitty to sic your army on your own citizens like ol' Bashar is doing.

As long as the draft isn't reinstated and they aren't deploying tactical nukes near me I really don't give a good fuck, and I won't formulate an opinion until that happens. Most people are way too passionate about their shitty uninformed opinions.

u/throwawizzlemahnizzl hates the troops! I do too, if you're retarded enough to think that invading smaller nations is fighting for your country/freedom, you deserve to lie bleeding into the sand.

People killing people they've never met for the financial & political gain of other people they've never met under the ruse patriotism.

Waaaar faaaaawk yaaaa Dvv Dvv Dvv!!

do you think a draft would go over well today? It'd be Vietnam levels of protest or worse

If they reinstated the draft there'd be Vietnam levels of protest or worse. My generation fucking sucks but they like "protesting" and posting anti war memes

Knowing what I know about the military, I sure as fuck wouldn't want to go.

I mean, I never really had a desire to go anyway, but this article cemented that I would never join.

Fuck that, I didn't even think of that part of it just the dying for nothing bit.

There's a guy who lives by me who everyone calls "shrapnel head" he was in the military and he's nice just a fucking nut. Doomsday prepper ptsd hoarder etc. Looks like hank from breaking bad. Anyway my other neighbor knew he had ptsd and while he was working in his garage snuck up on him and scared the fuck out of him to trigger the ptsd because he thought it was funny.

That neighbor is cool as hell, I'd just hate turning out like shrapnel head if I wasn't immediately killed or raped

Didn't even think about that just the dying for nothing bit. Fuck that

Luckily for me I'm a suicidal alcoholic that can't do more than 5 pushups so I'm safe from any draft

I think the draft needs to be reinstated .

Lets put some skin in the game & man up some of these faggots at the same time.

i didn't come here for a reasonable response, asshole.

Better schools than I do*...

case in point.

Better schools than I do*...

case in point.

If you'd been to a decent school, sir, you'd know the status of "than" as a conjunction is a hotly debated subject and is by no means a clear-cut rule!

Furthermore, Mr. Throwawizzlemahnizzl's comment is clearly not formal, written English.

In the immortal words of the Bard: "Suck my cock, you pig-eyed sack of shit."

All I have to say is, Im an American...

and I can suck my own cock

I remember during the election when I said on here that I thought Trump's relation to Putin was an issue someone said something like "oh god forbid we have a president that doesnt want to start world war 3."

We just attacked installations that very well could have been harboring russian troops, seeing as they are in multiple locations in syria. This is an anti Russia move if anything, even though we gave them the heads up breifly before it happened so they could GTFO.

I don't really know all the facts nor do any of us at this point, but this seems far from buddying up with putin. And I think trump has many flaws but maybe chill the fuck out because hillary cmakes her position very clear that she would have done the same or similar.

You aren't some clairvoyant truth seer you faggot.

It's not clairvoyance, at the time I would have said we cant trust Putin for anything and that Syria is a problem that needs to be addressed. Thats hardly a cavalier stance, it was a pretty major attitude of atleast the last 8 years, I just remember how that person at the time looked at Trump/Putin as a positive of the campaign.

Rich Vos will be at Magoobys in Aleppo 4/8/17-4/9/17

After his gig at the Funnybone in Al-Bab was cancelled last summer, I thought I'd never get a chance to see him again.

It's really complex. I don't know shit about it, but there's a million fucking groups in Syria and they all have the potential to be as bad or worse than Assad. I think Al-Qaeda and ISIS are fighting one another in certain parts of the country.

My take is: consult someone who knows what the fuck they're talking about on this topic, because I don't.

I'm concerned part of the motivation behind our attack was to take heat off of the administration regarding Russia.

I'm wary of another war, we've spent a lot of time, money and lives in the Middle East already and what do we have to show for it?

We spend so much money on weapons and tools of destruction while we have huge issues with mental health, homelessness, poverty and infrastructure back at home.

When can we take some of that war money and pour it into infrastructure?

There are people that just wanted to "build the wall" and leave everything else alone. But considering that we were explicitly told to stay the fuck out of Syria by Russia; it's odd that we're pulling some vaguely Wag The Dog-esque shit by "spitting" in Russia's face, going SEE? WE WERE NEVER IN CAHOOTS!

The one appeal of Trump was his relationship with Putin, and how that could largely "keep the nukes at bay". I don't like any of this, really. Trumps' also taking the plunge to correct his image of not caring about Muslims -post immigration ban- by DEFENDING Muslims in the migrant countries, and stepping in reactively.

I live in Long Island. I was hoping to avoid this, but for the next year it looks like I'm gonna have to watch the skies.

You also have the contradiction that a supposedly isolationist president is calling for massive military budget increases, if you want to be conspiracy minded about intervention.

The idea is that the giant military acts as a deterrent.

From what?

I live in Long Island. I was hoping to avoid this, but for the next year it looks like I'm gonna have to watch the skies

Quit being an overdramatic faggot. Russia ain't doin shit as far as invading the US, the only concern is nuclear war, and we gave russia a heads up before we flew 60 warheads into a country that isn't theirs.

Maybe the bombing is to save face and russia is aware of this? Can't act like nothing happened.

It also distracts from the talks with the Chinese president yesterday, I'm assuming they haven't agreed to any tariff changes or whatnot

I think it's a SYRIASLY bad idea.

50 missiles makes for a good start.

What's the end game? Regime change? If so, who will take control of Syria? Have we learned nothing from toppling Saddam?

All that has happened is one single air base has been blown up with missiles. Everyone is overreacting at this point. So far it just looks like Trump flexing his muscles and nothing more.

I keep reading there was no casualties too, don't know if that's true though because I've also seen people saying like 7 people were killed. I don't really care enough to look into it

Fuck ZOG, no more jewish wars.

War is bad. It makes me sad.

Put your head back down

Easy there Maya Angelou.

Thread over.

Assad should just have a Pepsi and chill the fuck out

Go back to the general population of Reddit

Go back to your crack den

Go to any Reddit post about this and you'll see your gay joke

It's called parallel thinking

My Real opinion: I'm fucking sick of going to war with stupid Arab countries over shit that doesn't concern us.

My O&A opinion: Wack the bag! Pinch the helmet!

The Trump-train has gone off the rails, it was all a sham. Disappointing but not surprising. Fuck Trump and his hooknosed son in law.

Let them ruin their own country. US should stop being world police

I don't know nothing about this missiles, what do i know, Syria, i don't have time for politics,i gotta feed the wife and kids, you wanna throw a bunch of missiles, that's your business, i can't make heads or tails out of it, those missiles seem a little expensive, but hey its aint coming out of my pockets, i aint one of the millionaires, ,what the heck do i know.

Yeah this the place to discuss politics, bunch of crackhead truck drivers obsessing over a dead radioshow.

Crackhead truckers vote too

Here's my hot take:

Western Coalition has really stepped back from syrian regime change since Russia got involved in 2015.

The other day, a supposed gas attack took place in rebel held Idlib where like 100 civilians were killed. No investigation was conducted, nothing proven either way, but the attack seemed similar to one that took place is Ghouta, Syria back in 2013. That's where that term 'red line' came from. Obama said chemical weapons use would be crossing the red line but never did anything.

So basically Trump had this air base bombed to show he wouldnt baulk at the threat of red lines.

I think it was a dumb move because despite how the media describes it, the vast majority of the rebels are salafi jihadists. No different from ISIS. So all this strike does is weaken assad and empower the rebels.

Since Assad is no threat to the united states, my opinion is the strike was done to weaken the geopolitical position of iran and hezbollah. They, along with the russians, saved assad's ass in this war so now they are going to be heavily influencing syria's behavior in the future. This is bad for, dun dun dun, ISRAEL, who shares a border with syria along the Golan Heights (which israel is currently occupying). So, this was less about a gas attack and more about showing American disapproval with Iranian influence in the region.

Also peckas. Also rich vos.


It's all about a fucking oil pipeline like it always is.

When Kerry started pounding the drums in 2013, post sketchy gas attack, I thought any intervention would be a bullshit geopolitical power grab. Our government doesn't care about the well being of nig nog kids drinking poison water here and sure as shit doesn't care about arab kids dying over there. The establishment dems wanted intervention in 2013 and now the establishment repubs are trying for it. The people who will oppose this: Average Democrats (Because Trump did it), Progressives (Because Anti War), Libertarians (Because Anti Intervention). The people who will publically support this: Establishment Repubs (Because Geopolitics), Average Republicans (Because Trump did it), Alt Right (Because Trump did it).

Well put. It's odd and unsettling that Trump claims he changed positions because he saw video of "beautiful babies" choking on nerve gas. Did he not realize that this has been happening for 6 years? Or that more civilians were killed more brutally in 2013 when he was admonishing Obama for considering strikes against Assad? Or that he has personally authorized strikes in the past 2 months that have killed dozens of "beautiful babies" in that region?

I think you covered it. I'll just add Fuck Israel and Fuck the Globalists

why would you gas civilians in a war your winning(or won) on the eve of peace talks ?

Eve of peace talks?

the next day the Syrians would have entered UN mediated negotiations with opposition forces ... the war was over, Assad won handily, and as a sign of good faith he agreed to a meeting (as is done in every war) ...but then decided to gas civilians??? despite having gotten away with massacres using traditional arms??? he knew all through the war not to do that but once western influence was ruled out then he does something forfeit his victory???

  1. also why are the only sources on the ground people who've been outed as pro opposition or family of actual ISIL fighters???

The peace talks were stalled before they even began. And the idea that the UN had any teeth in the process is fantasy, given Russia's stance and newfound role in the region.

Also, there were at least 2 other occasions where it's suspected he used chemical weapons on civilians, including in 2013 when Obama threatened strikes (which Trump vehemently opposed) and the Russians stepped in.

I'm not saying that I'm not skeptical of the the presumed facts of what happened on Tuesday, just that I don't believe this civil war was days away from a negotiated peace.

  1. yes the talks never happened (never gonna happen now) 2.The UN can pressure both Assad and Russia to keep it quiet and low key for a very short period(i.e. no war crimes for a week or 2) 3.All chemical attacks in Syrian civil war are yet to be confirmed by legitimate observers(the reports in every case are made by people openly supporting the opposition or related to ISIL members and then some advocacy group backs the claim w out confirmation) 4.ther would not have been a negotiated peace just a lul in the fighting (at best opposition forces could have negotiated a cease fire and evacuation and aid supply as they have b4) 5.lets say Assad did do it, why are we still going to massacre civilians w irradiated dirty bombs and guarantee a century of blowback ???
  1. UN can and does decrease the likelihood of war crimes being committed temporarily

  2. All Chemical attacks are uncorroborated by legitimate observers (they are all reported by openly pro opposition activists or family of ISIL members)

  3. Peace talks rarely create lasting peace but temporary peaces, and the opposition was probably looking for more cease-fire / evacuation deals

I'm simply questioning the contention that peace was imminent, which I've seen no evidence of.

there is no need to question it, there was no possibility of a real peace ... the "peace talks" simply meant a temporary pause, which Assad wanted because his ground troops travel by special train from one captured city to the next

I don't think we have much choice as long as Syria gives shelter to the Kumiyya brothers and their international terrorism network.

I've tried multiple times to sit down and know enough about Syria to form an opinion, and i did not succeed

Just a bunch of mischief making rascles.

Elements of our government want to weaken economies that are allies of Russia or China. Those two countries have banking systems that are getting more powerful outside of the western banking system with its over valued dollars and euros. If they could cause revolution in China and Russia and install a western based banking system, the dollar would be able to live longer.

It's called parallel thinking

it's all theatre. trump wants to show he isn't going easy on russia