I'm a fawkin old lady's knee

77  2017-04-07 by SirWallaceII


/u/braunheiser sidebar this please

I'd still slurp the yeast infection out of her sleep-easy.

looks like a young Jason Vorhees

hahaha precisely

Jason Vorhees

Friday the 13th Chippah

Double knee slaps sockcuckah

It looks like something from a Tool video


I would lick that sweaty box. any one of you who denies they wouldn't are god damn liars!

I wouldn't.

There's something about her that really gets my balls swelling, if you catch my drift.

Looks like the first Jason Voorhees

Leprechaun next, please.

Have they ever acknowledged her on air?

Faaaaawk Yeeeeeeah

She looks like Alyssa Milano's attainable older sister. Would smell her poop but not eat it.

i think its rude how you guys keep making fun of this poor lady's knees. she's a person too, you know.