Hentai manga that appeals to Anthony 1/50

14  2017-04-06 by TheNigIsUp


Anthony likes traps, not futa.

He likes futa more. Trap is always guy fucks trap but futa is always futa fucks guy in hentai.

But futas usually have a pussy, which as we all know is kryptonite to the Cumia men.

That just helps him think he's not gay. I'm positive that Cumia is a Loli futanari guy. Probably likes some netorare too, after what Stetten did with Andy Levy in his hot tub.

Jesus, is there anything Anthony isn't into? Aside from women of a more appropriate age?

I would say black women, but midnight creep shots probe otherwise.

What the fuck are you retards talking about?

Animated porn that involves dick girls and girls of questionable age.


This place gets more autistic by the second.

We'll get ready cause there is 49 more coming.

You don't have the wherewithal.

I'm an undiagnosed autist that basically has no friends and once spent over 200 dollars on a 6 inch figure of an anime girl.

Don't question my autistic wherewithal.

Prove it, BITCH! I want to see the rest within the next few days or you're dead to me. You will also be really dead, as I will kill you.

This will be a daily thing.

Watch your back.

You better deliver, for research purposes of course!

I applaud your initiative.

Anthony thought Boku no Pico was an instructional video

Look at you dropping references to jailable content.

Hate it when this happens

He likes futa more. Trap is always guy fucks trap but futa is always futa fucks guy in hentai.