Jim Norton's workout equipment

93  2017-04-06 by DeepJoeRogan


DeepJoeRogan are you an actual hardcore fan of rogan's or is your whole online persona based around mocking him? Sometimes it is not clear.

Eh I really like his podcast when he has a good guest on and can appreciate he's a very good fight commentator. However I find his whole bro/alpha male personality really grating too. Plus he's a terrible comedian and just not a particularly funny guy in general.

And you're right, this post is awful. I'm incredibly bored.

Don't sell yourself short. You are incredibly unfunny as well!

Don't sell yourself short

Like Joe Rogan is?

A much more level-headed response than I expected. Carry on brothaman. Heck, we're just monkeys flying through space when you think about it.

Haha. Now that's a perfect way to cap of that sentence.

Maybe we were wrong about this post

You fotgot the pink buttplug.

I can imagine the laundry list of excuses the little slug has as to why he uses bitch weights and why training with real weights is a bad idea. Top of the list would be "I just dont want to get too bulky." The little faggot would never have had the amount of testosterone it would take to build a decent/impressive/man-like body. The cunt seriously needs to get on a good test and deca steroid cycle and resemble a man for once. Maybe then women will finally look twice at him.

A juiced up ripped lil Jimmy would be hilarious.

Maybe if he got on the juice and did a little bit of pro-wrestling training, his physique would be enough for Sam to gush over and we could get back to the show being funny without the mma and wwe fags in studio every other day.

i just dont want to get the six pack back

I get it.

Gold please

Gold please

Gold please

Deca? What is this 1998? Get that worm some tren.

I don't want to sound like a steroid nerd (which I am), but I'd prefer to see the mollusk get on some deca ant test. Both deca and tren are 19-nor versions of testosterone, but deca causes a lot of bloating, so the worm will really puff up to the point where his parents will be asking him if he's taking steroids - which is exactly the look I'm after in my worm. Tren is for leaner, dryer muscle mass, without the bloated, puffy "I'm on steroids" look.

I don't want to sound like a steroid nerd (which I am), but I'd prefer to see the mollusk get on some deca and test. Both deca and tren are 19-nor versions of testosterone, but deca causes a lot of bloating, so the worm will really puff up to the point where his parents will be asking him if he's taking steroids - which is exactly the look I'm after in my worm. Tren is for leaner, dryer muscle mass, without the bloated, puffy "I'm on steroids" look.

Good point, you clearly know more about steroids than me. I've only ever taken anavar for a couple cycles and a few andro stacks years ago. Now I just take all the basic supps while trying to get back into it after and injury and I'm stuck in the mud.

The obvious Jimmy is on steroids look is funnier. I just pictured the worm ripped and super aggressive on tren, like mean Jimmy all the time but jacked. He should just get pumped full of synthol and become a cartoon character overnight.

Anavar is great if you can get the real deal. If you take it in short cycles of 3-6 weeks it doesn't shut your natural testosterone production down, i.e. your balls don't shrink. Plus it's great for losing fat whilst retaining/building muscle.

Depending on your injury, there's a couple things that can guarantee a recovery. Deca (or nandrolone) being one, but better still, the "Joe Rogan" compound Human Growth Hormone being the other. HGH allows your ligaments, tendons, muscles and even fluids (such as spinal disc fluid) to regenerate. Joe calls it "the fountain of youth", and it really is - allowing the things that deteriorate with old age to repair.

Anyway, get off the store bought shit (unless it's a good multivitamin or fish oil) and get on some good pharma-grade steroids (easily obtainable on the net, delivered to your door). Fuck it; you gonna live miserable until you're 60 and die of a soy bean and kale overdose, or you wanna go out being happy with lubricated joints that don't creak and crack and having a stiff dick that's ready to fuck at any given moment?

Your call. Good luck, brother!

I remember when cycles were just a good time out in nature with your best gal. Nowadays everything is "inject this" or "joe rogan" that.

Whats some reputable hgh names to search for?

I had horrible tendonitis and couldn't make a fist for months. I'm just now getting back into lifting but put on bad weight and lost most of my strength after a year off, very discouraging. I've been doing a lot of physio and using my gyro ball a lot (love it) and I'm mostly healed up just out of shape relatively.

I am spending a small fortune on shitty store bought supplements, all of it besides protein, multi-vitamins, and fish oil are a waste of money I'm sure. I would definitely try HGH if I knew where to get it. PM me these sources you have if you don't mind. Or should I assume I can find everything I need on /r/steroids ? Good advice tho, appreciate it. This is the last place I'd expect to have gym / supplement talk and get moral support but then again we are a special group of fellas here.

Someone should call in and ask for his workout routine

8lbs? He's not trying to look like a monster now, tone it down.

Jim Norton is workout equipment, for a trucker named Hank.

Hank in the tank. Firr her up prease, 10 dorrar wolth.

Yeah Norton should spend less time losing way and more time trying to be funny on radio. Doing two characters doesn't count, Jimmy

His cardio bike was featured in an episode of Always Sunny: https://youtu.be/MEuMmaUi50I

Haha, those weights are small. What is he, a woman or something?


Jim doesn't lift weights.

He's balanced some pretty substantial scrotums on his chin, if that counts.

"i cant use the dark blue one though, it gave me tendinitis in my arms for a year!"

"almost made me go back to drinking. dark days."

I thought it was a seat with a fist on it as mentioned in a dozen bits within the past 96 hours.

6 lbs will upset his tendinitis from edging all night

slow down there with those 8's

I doubt pussy boy even uses the kid dumbbells. He probably uses that TRX strap shit or some other faggot shit you'd find at planet fitness.

I always pictured Jim's workout equipment to be more along these lines http://gph.is/1gBDsAX

He didn't buy the whole set. Just the one on top, Wichita is odd because he's a bottom.

That's literally what I envision every single time he mentions his female trainers and I'm confident it's 100% accurate, give or take an elastic pilates band or two

"I'm not a fan of isolation exercises."

  • Joe Rogan

He's balanced some pretty substantial scrotums on his chin, if that counts.