Reminder: Jim Norton once wrote an email to the manager of his gym cos they stopped selling the juice cup size he likes

66  2017-04-06 by Crownenberg


Hes angry at them.

Theres no way for them to magically know he has a special deal from the manager.

Does he not know that cashiers are humans?

This sums up his autistic view of customer service, "No, youre not being nice... youre not giving me what i want" as if those 2 things are the same. If a smiling, apologetic, sincere cashier said "im sorry, we dont have that" it doesnt mean they dont care, or hate you, or want to "motherfuck" you.

This makes me think of the big Twitter unfollowing thing Colin called him on. I like Jimmy but the absolute worst thing about his personality is his entitlement.

"Most comedians don't understand the MOTHERFUCKERING they could get in here, and like an idiot I protect them." Yeah? Do ya Jim? You're the one protecting comedians from the bullies, and the tax you expect for this unspoken non-service is they have to help you with your stupid ideas?

If I see someone like Norton complaining at a cashier I would call the cops right away.

And yet he dares preach about the engaging self centered mental illness Bobo or whatever 2/10 female fan he desperately texts.

thats why it hits a nerve, he's constantly fighting it

I was at the airport one day with my now ex girlfriend who wanted to buy a bottle of water. She grabs a pretty large bottle of some unknown to me brand and brings it over to the shlep working the cash register.

"That's $5"

She flips out on him and says "great, so are you going to try and rape me for real too?"

I'm like bitch why you mad at him for, he just takes the money; he doesn't set prices. This in turn set her off because "its Mother's Day" and I shouldn't have gotten upset with her.

Crazy cunt.

He becomes a really tough guy on social media / online whenever he is inconvenienced. It's as if in his mind that the gym he emails, or an airline he angrily tweets about looks at his tweets and says to themselves "You can tell this Norton guy is a fucking problem man."

he even tweeted tim cook and ask him to fire some apple store empolyee

No fucking way, I refuse to believe you.

CQ correctly called him a studio gangster years ago. He really is a great man.

Oh fuck this guy.

Opie rhyming "Gym" and "Jim" at the beginning of the clip. Oh you little minx, I see what you did there.

jimmy the juice princess norton

bernie goes boom

And if you think I can serve a family of 6 on just a 12oz cup, you got another thing coming. Now bring back the 16oz cups.

Yeah, save money save money, I wanna drink goddammit.

And none of this acai berry, we live in the south, we aint from the north


Why didn't he just get two mediums, or a medium and a small one?

Cos that would mean using logic and not being an entitled wil baby boy

Fuckin' Juice Newton over here

I just feel bad for the guy. Millionaires who don't really work for a living who don't get their smoothie portions in their preferred portions really pisses me off. I hope he's still doing okay overall. Hang in there, Jim.

Being around opie for 2 years completely destroyed Jim Norton. He wasn't like this before Opie with Jim show, but he's still like it afterwords.

He was like this before O and J, it's just that he could be funny with Anthony there so it wasn't as glaring an issue.

The coffee diva thing was when Anthony was in studio

He devoted an entire chapter in one of his books to bad service he received at a Starbucks.

He probably would go in there and do a bunch of cardio and then immediately drink back all the calories and more in some stupid fruit drink he thought was super healthy.

The fact that the faggot gets juice and not protein after his workout shows he knows his stuff. 123 lbs of whoopass

Disregarding that Norton is a whiny old lady... how did he think this interaction makes good radio?

'Customer service Norton' is worst Norton. Even "Stop the show at the mention of a woman to ask if she's pretty and single" Jimmy is better.

"So what happened at the gym?!"

LOVE how Opie tries to pump up Jimmy's issue about gym juice.