Ant's "Swedish Dice Clay" impression

22  2017-04-06 by lE14vzeGRHGmQfCv


"You were the funniest out of everyone... and that didn't give you pleasure."

R.I.P Anthony Cumia :(

His Swedish Seinfeld was also pretty funny.

Uh... Link?

That was one of the funniest bits I'd ever heard, I think that was my favorite Bill Burr appearance ever. I still remember hearing this the day it was on, I was jogging around a really crowded park and I had to stop running because I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe. I probably looked like a fucking maniac. "Come to my house, v'ell have a pah-tee!"

would you happen to know the date?

Apparently it was October 2nd 2009.

Do people in Sweden also know that you abandoned your dog to appease your ape wife?