Reminder: Joe Cumia has achieved nothing in life

63  2017-04-06 by Crownenberg


I'll have you know if you Google "2u band" it's the first non advertisement result. That's success if I've ever seen it.

Well now I just look silly

He came from poor stock. Never had a chance. Just look at the state of his mother

Her torso looks like a Muppet.

That woman was like Pam Anderson to Patrice.

Neither have any of us

Im sure there are people here with some accomplishments in life.

An associates degree means you accomplished more than him.

Education : US Army.

I can never figure out if he's trying to clever by putting that on his profile or if he genuinely has no other form of education to speak of. The latter seems more likely.

Probably thinks it makes him seem like a badass. In reality, he was probably a food service specialist in the army.

I learned more in the army than any school could teach me, maaaaan

I'll have you know he graduated from the school of hard cocks.

University of San Francisco?

Do you have to finish high school to join the army in the states? In the uk you don't, you can join at 17 (16 with your parents' permission). Maybe both cumia boys were high school dropouts?

You have to finish high school or have a GED (a test to show you accumulated high school equivalent knowledge or something) and pass some kind of aptitude test.

I think the requirements get lessened in times when the standing force is small.

So Norton would've been eligible for the armed forces (GED and don't ask don't tell) but Anthony wouldn't.

I'll have you know that he's also attended the SCHOOL OF HARD KNOCKS

This is the one thing no one needs to be reminded of. It couldn't be more clear.

Neither have probbaly 70% of any of you. Who cares?

Could you construct that sentence more awkwardly please?

Could you list your accomplishments to show your superiority to Joe please?

Did you get triggered?

Very much so. Please be more careful with my emotions in future.

pm me about the thing


I bet you watch a lot of Sargon of Akad videos don't you.

But the difference is we don't leech off others and think we earned it ourselfs.

I wouldn't say that. There's been more than enough users here trying to leech off one another.

I know you are but what am I?

Just cos I'm a loser doesn't make joe cumia not a loser

Well, he is a BrotherJoe™

Can't believe he'd call himself a derogatory term that over 500k real people use every day!

Let's not jump to conclusions here gang. Let's see:

-White trash

-Racist as fuck

-mooches off of his younger brother

-Has young daughters that he regularly includes in his online bullshit

-Old and out of shape

-Dumber than a bag of hammers

Nope., never mind. You guys were right.


I'll have you know Joe Cumia was educated in the US Army.

The people that brag about being in the army always bailed as soon as theyou were allowed to and then talk about it for decades like it happened yesterday.

Him and Anthony both are like ham 'n' eggers who won a state lottery..

using names like they use on the radio such as "ham 'n' eggers" and calling people "good eggs" yuckaroo..

oh you mean using slang like the people who's sub you obsessively monitor use? Those?

Yuckaroo? Nice cellar crowd mimic

Hey now, he knows the chords to every U2 song so he knows like 7 chords! That's something, technically.

I will have you know Joe is the only person on earth able to sustain himself with only pre-adolescent, female saliva. If thats not an achievement, then I don't know what is.

Joe Cumia is 90% of this sub.

In fairness, neither have we.

Fuck off with these stupid "Reminders," you dildo.

I think a vast collection of antique mason jars full of children's spit is hardly "nothing."

you spelled sam wrong

After his unremarkable service time and subsequent discharge, he then renewed his civilian life by moving back home becoming a local coke dealer.

pm me about the thing