Bobo sad. Me feel bad. Me little speak English.

13  2017-04-06 by Dennyislife


Of course his handwriting looks like that. ME: dude That's surial killer writing, let's get an expert on the phones

ME: This is a pot show! Pot talk in the morning! (Shitty deep voice radio impression)

How's that Kickstarter coming along?

Boy he really knows how to milk it doesn't he. I feel like he's gonna go keyser soze on us one day, just all the sudden start talking right, throws his glasses in the street and hops in a convertible being driven by colin.

Colin as Kobayashi would be so perfect in any context.

Hmmph, Opie knew nothing okay. Bobo may be magnanimous, but he rarely works with the same people for very long. They never know who they're working for. Listen up stupid, one cannot be betrayed if one has no people.

I do feel sorry for him, you'd think Ant would tweet his link

For anyone who thinks Bobo's boboness is at all fascinating, check this shit out.

I used to hang out with her husband so I knew her. She's 0% retarded and speaks English normally (first and only language) (and she's caucasian). She's just utterly fucking batshit. I thought she was pretty batshit back then, but seeing her attempt to communicate via typing brought the level through the stratosphere.

Oh god it's written in crayon...i suddenly feel bad for all the retard jokes

I feel bad for the guy. I am sure he loves his mother and doesn't want anything to happen to her. But you know at the back of his stunted, undeveloped brain that he's thinking about what will happen to him if she dies. The sister probably won't want to take him in even if she is financially able to. Maybe he has an aunt or an uncle who might let him live there for a while to get whatever disability money he receives. Ultimately though he'll probably end up in a state home and he knows it.

The thought beings me great joy.

It would be funny if he ended up in a Sling Blade family dynamic

I hope he moves into Ant's movie theater.

This tugs at my heart strings a lil' bit.

I get the hate back by thinking about how Bobo's usual method of getting what he wants is repeating "OH COME AWWWWWN" over and over and over and over until his victim caves.

Fucking mooch. Ahhh good, the hate is back.

What an odd family dynamic.

Notice the color differences in the text from having to keep getting a new pen after stabbing his mother in the hip and elbow with the last one after every few letters.

Asshole spelled 'wow' wrong.

Oh fuck, this dead eyed autist made me feel things.

