You niggers are gay (18/323+1)

0  2017-04-05 by fecesinyourvagina

wanna be wackbaggers

top 5 meme posts for today:

  1. (-) Anthony fucking neice

  2. (+3) Sams appearance

  3. (-1)

  4. (new) Louis CKposting

  5. (-2) Anthony's racism

Seriously fucking kill yourselves.


How fucking autistic are you?


Oh the original poster? He's not autistic, he's flat out retarded.

  1. Opie suck.

You held on to a two year old account to post this shit?

Wanna be? I wack my bag, shit, two, three times a day.

Fecesinyourvagina is coming out of retirement?! Stop the presses this is a stunning return to retarded sub-par posting.