Some Mexicans that come to the US are rapists

227  2017-04-05 by unclepaul84


Ay mang, he was born in east LA.

So you're saying he's a Mexican American?

He really is a piece of shit.

He's been a lot more outspoken lately. I wonder if he has an "understanding" with the BuzzFeeds of the world that if he continues to bark his little bald head off, they won't release the "So Apparently Louis CK Likes Raping Women." article they've already gotten written.

I've thought the same thing for a while. It makes a lot of sense.

I don't think it does. Why would "Louis CK, don't stop being Louis CK or we will say you are a rapist" be any kind of threat?

Because people actually listen to garbage like buzzfeed. Also, it's probably true.

Obviously Louis doesn't like Trump. But he's been really fucking outspoken and this is entirely plausible.

Praising Hillary was the most predictable thing they could do. Everyone in Hollywood did it.

Patton Oswalt let his wife OD on xanax and sleeping pills, he was a codependent to her addiction and it led to her death. It sucks for because he did genuinely love her but he was partially responsible for her death.

"let". Wifekiller straight up spiked her coffee with fentanyl.

I've seen this first-hand. Recently I was doing some consulting work for a movie studio. The dude that hired us was rabidly anti-Trump. My coworker earned a bunch of brownie points by talking with him about Hillary Clinton. I just kept my political opinions to myself.

A week later, I was removed from the account.

Was it because I didn't embrace the client's liberal agenda? I'll never know, they didn't give a reason. But my Hillary-loving coworker got tons of hours from that client.

Now repeat this same scenario, over and over, and you start to realize that being a conservative in SoCal can really put a dent in your livelihood.

Wonder why California is going down the tubes? Wonder why Texas is growing exponentially?

I mean Texas is a red state and I'm no conservative but at least they don't try to fuck you over, for not echoing their beliefs.

Enjoy it while you can.

I live in Southern California, and my job has me traveling all over the United States.

The trend that I've noticed far and above everything else is the "Californization" of the United States. Basically a huge swath of the United States is losing it's identity, and being replaced by California.

The reasoning for this is simple; it's goddamned expensive to live in California. So what's happening is that people live in California for a while, they get sick of being poor, and then they move to Portland, Seattle, Austin, Denver, Phoenix, Las Vegas, etc.

The place that I've noticed this the most, by far, is Texas. Dallas in particular looks more and more like SoCal with every passing year, because people from California keep moving there.

Basically Californians are a virus and they're infecting the rest of the United States.

Also, you might think that this has to end at some point, there's a finite number of Californians right? That's not true; here's what's happening in California:

1) The biggest trend in California immigration isn't illegal immigrants coming from Mexico; it's legal and illegal immigrants coming from China.

2) The Chinese are wealthy, VERY wealthy, and they're pushing the natives EAST. In some cases, the native Californians move a few miles east to places like Temecula and Riverside, but frequently they get pushed all the way to Vegas, Phoenix, Austin and Dallas.

3) Rinse and repeat. China is a very big country, with lots and lots of millionaires interested in purchasing piles of California real estate. On my block, I'm the white minority. The majority here is Chinese, with a smattering of Indian households too. Welcome to California circa 2017.

Chinks built the railroads to push our country out west and now they're finally getting their comeuppance. I'm thinking about moving to a white majority state.

He has spent the acceptable amount of time complaining about white people, men, Trump, and his own sexual shortcomings so that these outlets will treat him like an old pitiful dog.

“I don’t care about that. That’s nothing to me. That’s not real,” he said of the Gawker reports.


Hey who hasn't jerked off in front of unwilling women

Fair point.

technically I don't think Jim Norton has jerked off in front of unwilling women

Doesn't matter how much he tries to hide it, this man is boston garbage.


Thought he was from (((Newton)))

Yeah he was. Newton north high school. What an uppity place.

Yeah after I heard the whole getting his own dog to suck his dick story It really became obvious.

A great comic says the things everyone else is thinking but afraid to say.

In louis ck case it's because he acts on those things.

He thinks that Zorro mask can hide his identity but women are still picking him out of a lineup

Somebody's doing the raping!

Hulk hogan's grown up cum!

Why build a wall if this guy will just jerk off in front of it?

Leave him be, Leary stole the 'asshole' bit from him.

I lock the door and whip out my dick, The sight of my pecka, it sure makes 'em sick. I'm an asshole! An asshole!

you have to go back

We get it - Louie is part Mexican. We get it.

he's mexican?!

No, he's a jew whose parents happened to be in Mexico when he was born, and who moved back to the US a little while later.

so he's mexican?!

and by the way, most mexican in major cities with any status are jews. Northern mexicans have alot of German and irish in them. Hence that god awful polka music. and the richest man in the country is Carlos Slim, of lebanese descent. Theyre all mexicans at the end of that... {dial tone}...

How dreadful


Louis's a Mexican in the same way Leon Trotsky was.

Trotsky moved to Mexico when he was an adult. Louis was born and raised in Mexico.

Yeah, it was a joke. Was saying they're both Jews.

And crypto-fascists who did important stuff in their earlier career and then allied themselves with the counter-revolution.

Hopefully his stay there will end in a similar manner

trust me it will, why you think Louis's family fled when the little ginger fuck was 7. thats the last age jerking off in front of women won't result in their male family members castrating you

He rapes but he saves.

He saves and he rapes.

Yeah, trophies.

what a fucking faggot with those glasses. ugh. You're not woody allen

What you don't think they make him look quirky and interesting?

Loui locked a door & jerked angrily infront of needy female comics? WOW! my respect for him just went back up!

I'm fascinated by his weird misshapen head.

What is up with the C.K. posts here lately? Did I miss something?

Nah man here's the moment he lost virtually all credibility.

He started defending a complete hack so he could spend weekends hanging out on long island.

I'm not saying he shouldn't be shit on. But the sudden appearance of several C.K. related posts just happens to correspond to the recent YouTube featured video where he calls Trump a lying sack of shit or something; that's not a coincidence. Some faggoty people being triggered and throwing that shit here instead of where it belongs

Nah bro just like patrice said.

If you ain't loyal to your cartel you have no protection from the bad.

He judges others while he has his own sexual assault background. Ever think of that, libcuck?

Jen Kirkman rapes us all with her shitty act. Eye for an eye, bitch.

Masturbating is the most shameful, disgusting thing you can do. Why the FUCK would you want an audience?

It looks like something is about to emerge through the skin of his forehead

I want him to jerk off in front of me and If he wants I'll pretend to not like it

Btw don't any of yall remember his story on OandA about jerking off in front of a retarded girl ???

those glasses make him feel important

The fat on the side of his head is like and inch of His skull

i just watched his new hour on netflix. I didn't laugh once, honestly i've laughed more at an open mic show at a shitty bar