Wife-beating drunk Bill O’Reilly slowly unraveling

22  2017-04-05 by crookedmile

Lost 15 advertisers so far. This is getting good.

Update: 40 advertisers


His target demographic killed gooks growing up. His first sex voice-mail scandal did nothing and neither will this. He has the highest rated show on Fox News.

Demos don't matter, advertisers matter.

Aren't most of the advertisers staying with Fox but just changing their slots?

Yeah but Im sure Bill costs Fox a pretty penny and the need to recoup that

Idk man. Worse case scenario he goes home to his 50 million dollars. I dont like him but in the end he always wins.

Oh yeah he has fuck you money. He will probably take a paycut if he has to. He needs to be around the hot tail on Fox News.

Man that's my dream in life. Fuck you money

There is always an advertiser willing to jump in. It'll be William Devane hocking his gold or MyPillow but someone will come in.

This isn't the first run at O'Reilly's advertisers. As long as he remains the highest rated he'll find new ones.

I'm guessing his target demo avoided the draft like mother-fuckers during Vietnam.

Didn't he harass some woman over the phone while fucking his ass with a vibrator? Isn't that what was alleged?

Oh man, that and he rubbed women with falafel

Tsss it made em feel awful cawksucka

And that was supposed to "end his career" as well. But here we are.

Nobody ever has just one perversion, it's always all of them. This is why I'm not surprised with the Ant thing, of course he's a pedophile and also a tranny fucker. This doesn't end until someone leaks a video of him sucking toes while being peed on.

he sucks though. in a non-political way. he's slow, boring, predictable, boring, pompus, boring. Who's going to remember Bill OReilly for anything after he's gone?

I know production people who have worked under him in. They all repeat he is a workaholic twat who is impossible to staff for long term. Even worse than Glenn Beck or Jon Stewart, which is saying something.

He also sucks in a political way

Lets hope deep discount stand by him in this tough time.

Their will be shitty advertisers that come in. Adult diaper companies and so forth.

Mangrate fits his target demo perfectly

"You have?!"

He's still got Chuck Woolery's support and that Australian Dream money. Ol' horse cock O'Reilley will be fine.

Is there a new scandal or did his sexy past catch up with him

I think 5 women came out against him

I just ran into Bill O'Reilly on the street, which I never meet any celebrities. So, I said, "Bill, how can you do these things to these women?" He told me, "My dad is dying."

Criticizing wife beating and drinking. This sub is turning very anti-Irish all of a sudden.

As an Irish man I am outraged

Aren't all his advertisers medical devises like catheters and adult diapers

I hear there's a very reputable DVD retailer thats looking for beaters and biters to do live reads

This guy's trainwreck private life is like a Bill Cosby tier time capsule - it's been out there for years, you just need to google it to realize how corrupt he is.

One of the earlier XM eps where Anthony reads the leaked letters of O'Reilly talking about seducing some intern and rubbing a loofah sponge on her body in the shower was one of the best examples of how current events can be fodder for the show.

I wonder if he'll end up at Compound Media

I tend to be right leaning in the sense that I want smaller government etc (probably more libertarian than anything) but Bill O'reilly has always rubbed me the wrong way no matter what my stances at the time were. He just seems like a smug asshole. I would be happy to see him get canned though I didn't even hear about this until seeing it on the dead radio show subreddit.

Idk man. Worse case scenario he goes home to his 50 million dollars. I dont like him but in the end he always wins.

Man that's my dream in life. Fuck you money