I'd rather listen to Opie for a YEAR than have to watch this commercial ONCE...easily the cringiest thing I've seen in my life so far.

48  2017-04-05 by TangerineReam


This is so gross from every angle. Hopefully people of all political persuasions can see through this horse shit.

Liberals hate it because it's a corporation pandering to liberals. Conservatives hate it because it's pandering to liberals. Something both side can agree on.

The far-left hates it because fuck cops.

The far-right hates it cause brown people


I love their visions of how things work.

Hijaby hugging random stranger on the street.

Yeah suuuuurrrrrreeeee

They do do that. But they have on a big vest.

no they dont, touching random stranger even on hand (handshake) is a no-go.

Well I'm glad their female suicide bombers know their place, unlike the furry feminists cunts we have to put up with.

They would explode in shame

Yeah, that one's pretty hard to believe unless she detonated her bomb vest.


Hey you bourgeoisie, blonde fascist pig join the revolution we're vibrant!

Little did they know I was actually one OF THEM and would join them in their struggle as a minority AGAINST the corporations and the people in charge.

My generation really needs a WWIII badly.


27 year old.

This shit will end when Islam detonates the first WMD in a Western city.

Nah it will either be seen as a false flag attack or that we deserved it

Bill Hicks had a better idea for a Coke commercial in '91, its a classic:


More snickers, more coke!

Hey guys remember to stand up to the man and super rich! But also be sure to consume our drinks that are proven to cause diabetes and cancer and that is bottled by a mega corporation that brings in more money each year than some states, practices predatory business models and uses tax loopholes to pay almost 0%.

My mountain of Coke cans in my hoard just got ten foot higher!

This comment sponsored by Brawndo, Its What Plants Crave.

I hate everything about this pimpery of unhealthy poisen, but I cant see ANY relation to blacklivesmatter! just general social justice

here's something cringier:


The ring leaders are too old to be drafted now.

That place would be one 3rd world shit hole if it had those demographics.

I concur.

only pressed play cause I thought it was Janice Griffith

She can really take it up the shitter

There's a very sharp decline in the quality of Kardashian pussy in only one generation.

That's a Kardashian? She looks like every single Sicilian guidette whose daddy pays for a Janice Dickinson nose to shut up his mulatto howler monkey.

Hey fucker, she is my lion

"I'm not a loyin awwrite." - Kumtydumpty Kardashian

She's got the tranny blood in her that's why.

Idk I'd eat Kendall's ass

She's not a real Kardashian. Her father is a cross dresser.

"After good beheading of an infidel and a whipping of a disloyal woman, there's nothing like a nice cold, refreshing Pepsi!"

We all know they drink Sprite.

That commercial makes me feel the way Pepsi tastes.

Ah - that's what white guilt tastes like.

Please note that literally everyone in this commercial, which has seemingly thousands of extras, is thin and good-looking. Someone please alert the Tumblrs and blogs, this is fat shaming!

And not a single albino, amputee or paraplegic in the bunch!! Just more able-ist, limb normative condescension from the hetero normalist power structure, maaaaannn!

Lots of fags tho

I saw a white woman with a colored. I think that's a disability.

Where is Wheelchair Fred for fuck's sake?!

I'm off to buy some Coke Zero

Fucking nazi

Coke wins. Coke always wins

To be fair to Pepsi, most people are a bunch of dumb, gullible cunts (especially SJWs) so I can understand why they thought this would work

SJWs hate this commercial for the exact same reasons you do though, so it was a pretty hilarious misreading of their audience on Pepsi Co's part.

Pandering to these idiots doesn't work. It will never work. They don't buy shit and you can never please them because you will somehow fuck up, especially if all your decisions are being made by soulless corporate hacks.

Yup. Read their interactions with public figures that pander to them. If they say ANYTHING not perfectly in line, they suddenly become the devil. A giant multi-national company does so much stuff, it wouldn't take more than a week before they were turned on.

So I sat through two and a half minutes of ridiculous garbage. Good luck with the 364 days of listening to Tits.


Its so fucking bad you'd think Coka Cola made it.

When she went to hand the cop a can of Pepsi I burst out laughing

Didn't you know? Buying a can of Pepsi is activism, mannn. It will solve racial tensions and police violence.

Everybody hates white people now.

I'll never drink another Pepsi.

Why the fuck were you ever drinking Pepsi anyway? It's terrible.

I don't normally, but now I'll actively avoid it. Which is a shame because I liked the company particularly thanks to making some decent money off Pepsi dividends in the past

My teeth hurt.

Look at the comments and thumbs down. I love it when shit like this backfires. This is the new "How do you do, fellow kids?" for the millennial generation. These huge billion dollar corporations get their board of directors into the meeting room to brainstorm some brilliant ideas and this is what they come up with. They are as out of touch with reality as ever.

I work in marketing/advertising and this like this really pisses me off in a personal, everyday way. Because I know exactly the sort of thinking that goes into this, I've worked with bureaucratic bullshit clients like this, and it's amazing to me how people will say "advertising manipulates emotion" but will say this is something special and not like the rest.

I mean, let's look at what the fuck is going on here. It's Pepsi, it's a soft drink that gives you diabetes. I bet the word "important" came up in the creative brief a lot. You know what I liked about Coca Cola? When they changed their branding from "Always Coca Cola" to "Open Happiness," it was like a subtle admission that you shouldn't ALWAYS have Coca Cola, but it could be special from time-to-time. Pepsi, on the other hand, is always going after youth in a more aggressive way, and I hate that shit for different reasons (empowering youth to try and change everything is fucking retarded, teenagers already want to fucking rip the pillars of society down with wrongheaded ideas, don't encourage them.)

This is like that new Nike Ad, it doesn't mean anything. I saw one the other day by where I live, it was Michael Jordan's big dumb face and it said "Equality." It's "important," we are talking about "important" things, when you think of Equality think of this shoe. Nevermind that Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time, unequal to every one of his colleagues. And nevermind that the entire idea of being fit and in shape makes you unequal with much of society, and nevermind that sports and athletics is about a winner and a loser and people being unequal. Here's a word, think of us the next time you're spazzing out at the news. I saw another iteration of the ad about diversity, where the commercial was full of black people. Uh huh. Keep it up.

I just fucking loathe this shit because it's cooked up by big agencies to win awards. They want to feel culturally significant, they want to feel like they're moving the needle on the conversation but since ad agencies are full of fucking hacks and retards this is what they come up with.

You know what would have been an interesting ad? Okay, keep the overall premise. People from different sectors and doing different types of work coming together in a form of celebration (because that is what this protest is supposed to represent, so there's no beatings or car burnings or lootings.) But don't just do artists, it's marketing people hackery where they think all Millennials want to be photographers and breakdancers. Throw a young roofer in there, throw a young barber, and throw in a cop at a protest. They're all working hard, they're having a hard day, maybe you throw in a couple shots where they even cross paths and piss each other off. The cop clashes with the photographer at the protest, whatever. But then the big reveal is they all fuck off for a minute and meet somewhere and all enjoy a Pepsi. You wanna make a message while using the exact same imagery? Show that no matter what happens 90% of the time there's that 10% of life where we can all drop the bullshit. Pepsi is for those moments, Pepsi is for the 10% of life where you just drop the bullshit and people can be people. There, I gave you an ad without that fucking flower-in-the-rifle hippie moment.

Yeah I watched that and thought "who is going to buy a Pepsi because of this" and I couldn't think of anyone. They believe the "talk" this will generate will someone bring them more customers. It won't.

A few years ago people became obsessed with going viral, before they realized they could manufacture virality by just throwing money at it or brokering deals with corrupt social media platforms (Facebook, mostly Twitter.) It's an interesting idea because of how corrupt it is; viral content is making an ad people actually want to share with their friends and family, leveraging that familiarity to add value to the ad itself. This is that, except for activists. They are trying to hijack activism and slapping a brand on it. It's so twisted it's funny.

I like you.

I work in marketing/advertising and this like this really pisses me off in a personal, everyday way.

Do you enjoy your work, because personally I hate marketers. I agree with the rest of your post, but I wonder why you would have views like that and still work in advertising? It is a shallow industry full of scumfucks and idiots selling shit that if it was worth buying it would sell itself.

I do enjoy it, I'm one of the few that actually does. A lot of people fall into it because they couldn't make it elsewhere, so failed authors become copywriters and failed artists settle for graphic design. It sounds stupid but I actually believe in what I do and enjoy it. Marketing is one of the most important parts of business but never gets credit. I try not to reveal too much about myself on here so I won't go into too much detail, but marketing is just taking a thing and figuring out how to make it successful.

I do a lot of work on the side from my main job and I've worked in nearly every industry in one way or another, and to me that's fun. This month I have a construction client so I need to become an expert on that really fast, along with the personalities of the people who do it. Then it'll be a small tech company and now I am figuring out the entire startup scene. In that sense it never gets boring, my favorite ones being startups because there's so many insane people trying to make shit work.

And that's the reason I do it, trying to make shit work. Very intelligent and very driven people have the same problem artists have: they really want to do a thing, but they don't know how to do it. They don't know the marketplace, they don't know how to do those strategies, and most importantly they don't know how to do it cost effectively. That's a fun puzzle to figure out, and if you're dealing with a client doing something great then you're a part of it, you're out in the front lines.

I came to this because I used to be that, I used to run a small publishing thing and I was right where they were. "I have this thing I made, it's so great... Now what?" I bet even a lot of people here are like that, people doing music or some fucking website or something. As I started learning for myself I found it was fun, figuring out how to attract people; good advertising is the advertising that only the target demographic sees. Are you a single guy? When's the last time you saw a diaper ad? I mean, if you're not the typical degenerate that frequents here who is probably into that for one reason or another.

Marketing makes the most sense early on, like I touched on before. The FIRST THING you should be doing if you wanna start a business is figure out if anyone wants what you're selling. You'd be fucking amazed at how many people start a business without a business plan. That's been part of my job a lot of the time too, sitting down with these people and getting them to write down what they actually wanna do after they've been doing it for a year and a half. It's woven right into the DNA of every company, if done right. So while I am doing it for my own things and my own sites and projects, I actually get to help people do things that I could never come up with on my own.

I know this has gone on very long but I'll just end with this, when people think marketing and advertising they think of Pepsi and Apple and all these conglomerates making dumb shit. But nobody thinks of the small businesses that do it, the startups, the entrepreneurs and all these great people doing great things who don't know how to get the right word out at the right time to the right people.

Also, everyone in the world hates advertising, but everyone also has a favorite ad.

How would you market the Anthony Cumia show, out of curiosity?

On a brand level I think he had something with "the free speech network" but I don't think he ever really believed in that, and if he did he would be pursuing some rabid-but-entertaining feminist to be on there. As we've all learned, it's not really about free speech it's for people who essentially agree with Ant. But I really thought if he put work into making it a place for crazy troublemakers, that would be great. I mean just think of all the weirdos that would take advantage of it, I bet the vast majority would do it for free. Quality control would be the thing to account for but an actual good producer could handle that.

In terms of advertising and marketing, I think him and a lot of other video-centric places don't take advantage of micro-videos. For an exmaple of this look at Joe Rogan, to get people really interested you need more 15-60 second clips of someone saying an interesting thing and you need to be putting it out there way more. People around here say they need more free episodes and I agree that they should do that (as shitty as Redbar is, the way he does it is pretty clever) but people need more evidence of the shit that is going on in there. One problem is there may in fact be nothing interesting going on but let's assume there is. One way I can think of off the top of my head would be tying this more to news commentary and current events, like Crowder does (again, even if you hate him, he does this part very well.) All these successful places gain momentum by jumping on hashtags and trending topics, far shittier sites can do this.

Lastly I don't think there's enough community engagement. Once again I bring up Redbar just as an example of even how a shitty product can have people turn into evangelists for it especially if they are paying for it. While paying for this service may get elss viewers, the ones they do have are way more likely to do things for you, especially if your whole brand is "we are a free speech minority, it's us against the world." How many Proud Boys are there, like 1000 globally? Yet all of us know about it and now it's in the news? Compound Media could have that army doing promotion, but I'm not going to go that deep into it.

TL;DR. Someone translate for me.

goodnatured O&A tastemaker and niceboy works in marketing and hates the video, complains about bad marketing and mentions similar Nike ad.

Best part:

empowering youth to try and change everything is fucking retarded, teenagers already want to fucking rip the pillars of society down with wrongheaded ideas, don't encourage them.

No its not, its retarded. If it werent for someone trying to rip down societys pillars there wouldnt be progress.


Still right tho

Honestly, your idea is just as shitty. "Hey, life's hard enough. Put aside all those differences and buy our sugar drink." It's no less exploitative of the current cultural divide, it's just exploiting our exhaustion rather than our exuberance. I'm sure that in the world of marketing there's a world of moral difference between those two ads, but to me it's still cynical pandering of the worst kind.

I agree. The idea of my dumb 20 second pitch was to do a better version of it while keeping it in the same approximate framing, if that was the restriction the client demanded. I'd much rather they not do it at all, despite how hilarious I think it is them trying to tap activists to promote their "woke" bullshit. I was just trying to show how even within the restrictive model of "let's leverage social activism," we can create one that humanizes all people involved rather than "look how diverse the resistance is, here's how we get through to the (white) cops." I mean, from a purely marketing/business perspective wouldn't it be great to have the youth and the cops on your side and talking about Pepsi?

That's fair, that's fair. And yes, if I were in that position I would certainly try not to actively demonize a huge segment of the population. It's pretty amazing how that kind of basic reasoning has been thrown out the window lately.

I agreed with what you said until your idea on fixing the commercial.

But yes: the industry is full of hacks and retards. I guess because the money is good and easy?

I should have said, this isn't me designing the best Pepsi commercial possible, but here's a quick fix that would probably open up the message to more people. Just that one little tweak, to me the message gets cluttered if we have one side protesting and one side fighting back but apparently none of them care about it enough so someone giving a Pepsi solves it. The message seems to be that every conflict is a party waiting to happen which I think is disingenuous, there's half a dozen smarter ways to do it.

Oh shut the fuck up. You're no Marshall McLuhan. Everything you hate is why it works. Get with the fucking program marketing boy.

We buy things not for their intrinsic purpose, but for what we think that thing projects about ourselves. What does fucking budweiser have to do with troops coming home from some retarded war? Nothing. The emotion is drawn from the reunion of this dumb heros returning to their retarded daughters and suddenly you feel a tinge in your cunt and buy a six pack. Get with the program champ.

This has absolutely nothing to do with what I was saying, nobody is arguing against the idea that brands connect with demographics with lifestyle you fucking monumental faggot, so save your inexplicable Advertising 101 lecture. By the way, the commercial has been nearly universally panned and if you're one of those retards who thinks there's no such thing as bad publicity you should have your arms ripped off.

This has absolutely nothing to do with what I was saying, nobody is arguing against the idea that brands connect with demographics with lifestyle you fucking monumental faggot, so save your inexplicable Advertising 101 lecture. What I am saying is they are doing a divisive job at it and it can be done better. For the Nike ad, they want to go after BLM that's one thing, but they did it in the dumbest and clumsiest way. That is the criticism, not that they went after the BLM angle. And now that you mention it, that Budweiser ad was stupid. Is that your example of a good ad or something? A beer trying to align itself with returning soldiers? Is that the height of creative strategy in your world?

By the way, the commercial has been nearly universally panned by everyone it was going after and if you're one of those retards who thinks there's no such thing as bad publicity you should have your arms ripped off.

Listen up dipshit. They make hacky ads that appeal to emotion because they fucking work. You can hate it all you want, but it exists for a reason and you are a poor excuse for a marketer for not jumping aboard. Appeal to the consumer and sell a fucking product. You're not Stanley Kubrick.

Listen up dipshit. They make hacky ads that appeal to emotion because they fucking work.

You are wrong. Pepsi pulled the ad. There are people pissed off about it. If you were correct, they would not have pulled the ad and there would be no controversy. You are objectively, 100% incorrect in your stance here. So unless you are here to argue why you believe the Budweiser ad is great or why Pepsi was wrong for pulling it and how it did in fact work, then fuck off because you have absolutely nothing of value to add.

It's also really amusing to me that by me proposing a few alterations to the ad's narrative (while keeping the lifestyle and demographic target) and criticizing the clumsiness of another lifestyle ad that I am somehow don't believe they should exist, and me commenting on the specifics makes me some artistic film auteur. You sound like a strange bitter intern.

They only pulled it because people not targeted for the demographic of the ad shit on it. I've literally witnessed people get pissy-eyed over adds like the budweiser one. It fucking works and you are shit at your job. Quit trying to be better than what you're supposed to do. Also, you're projecting your own mediocre career position on me.

You're not effective at what you currently do and you blame those who are.

They only pulled it because people not targeted for the demographic of the ad shit on it. I

OOOOOOOOOH I get it, so they did an ad utilizing young protesters and got taken down by complaints by young protesters, and in your world that is not a strategic misfire.

See here's how I know you are either inexperienced or just stupid: you don't go into specifics. Your entire argument is basically just to have faith, "they do it for a reason." That's it, that's all you have. Well the ad failed and they pulled it, and your argument there is... what, that the demographic depicted int he ad wasn't the target demographic? Then it was a shitty ad for a completely different reason! You have blatant evidence of something not working and you're standing there saying it works and I suck if I don't like it. This is hilarious.

Quit trying to be better than what you're supposed to do. Also, you're projecting your own mediocre career position on me.

Now this is where it gets interesting and I think we're getting to the root cause here, there's a lot of insecurity in this comment. You think I am putting on airs, you think I am trying to make 2001, you have all these images of me and perceived attacks on you like I am trying to be better than you just by saying my original thing. You came in hot right out the gate and I didn't know why, but now I do. You really are just some low level guy aren't you? I need to "quit trying to be better?" I just feel sad for you now.

Enough already you ineffective faggot.

This really is just you trying to convince yourself that I am not well-off and successful at what I do, so whatever you need to tell yourself shithead.

lol, yeah you sound it.

keep up the hard work, that full time job is right around the corner.

Oh my God! If only Pepsi Max was around during Segregation! There's no telling how many lives would have been saved!

This is one of the most insulting and ridiculous commercials I have ever seen. Billion dollar corporations that sell teeth eroding sugar water shouldn't pretend that they are on the side of the people.

I don't know, it seems like they are having a swell time. The policeman turned his frown upside down once he was given a Pespi Max by an attractive teenage girl. What's the problem here fellas?

Who the fuck drinks Pepsi anyway?

Bob Marleys grandson selling out I see. great

Good for him. Fella's had to endure tons of hardships. Nice to see a guy pay his dues and struggle to make his name famous. He deserves a lot more money.

Hey, if he keeps cranking out great tunes like that, he can have ALL the moneys!

this is awesome. Cant wait to try a pepsi max.

This the equivalent of Buddy Rich or Sammy Davis Jr. wearing a Neru Jacket in 1968.

Timely reference.

Best Coke ad I've seen in years

This ad is commercializing and trivializing the BLM movement, the Trump protests, and social justice in general. People of color are marching in the streets to raise awareness for police brutality, and Pepsi is using it as a marketing gimmick.

I... love it.

I tried to see it form that angle, but then I think about ANTIFA and all that horseshit and I'm like "NO THANKS"

I'm gonna go buy a pepsi

It's been taken down

Anyone got a mirror, the ad got pulled

Haha they pulled the ad

I think this is the same ad: https://youtu.be/dA5Yq1DLSmQ

Yeah thats it. Everybody up vote this.

Video is blocked. What was it?

Bunch of nerdy white guys break dive into an Olympic size swimming pool filled with Pepsi and emerge as hip blacks who then go on a heinous spree of wilding and looting.

HERE'S PEPSI'S FOLLOW-UP APOLOGY, GANG: https://twitter.com/pepsi

I hate everything about this pimpery of unhealthy poisen, but I cant see ANY relation to blacklivesmatter! just general social justice

They do do that. But they have on a big vest.

Yeah, that one's pretty hard to believe unless she detonated her bomb vest.

Yeah I watched that and thought "who is going to buy a Pepsi because of this" and I couldn't think of anyone. They believe the "talk" this will generate will someone bring them more customers. It won't.

I like you.

I work in marketing/advertising and this like this really pisses me off in a personal, everyday way.

Do you enjoy your work, because personally I hate marketers. I agree with the rest of your post, but I wonder why you would have views like that and still work in advertising? It is a shallow industry full of scumfucks and idiots selling shit that if it was worth buying it would sell itself.

TL;DR. Someone translate for me.

Honestly, your idea is just as shitty. "Hey, life's hard enough. Put aside all those differences and buy our sugar drink." It's no less exploitative of the current cultural divide, it's just exploiting our exhaustion rather than our exuberance. I'm sure that in the world of marketing there's a world of moral difference between those two ads, but to me it's still cynical pandering of the worst kind.

I agreed with what you said until your idea on fixing the commercial.

But yes: the industry is full of hacks and retards. I guess because the money is good and easy?

That's fair, that's fair. And yes, if I were in that position I would certainly try not to actively demonize a huge segment of the population. It's pretty amazing how that kind of basic reasoning has been thrown out the window lately.

Nah it will either be seen as a false flag attack or that we deserved it


Oh shut the fuck up. You're no Marshall McLuhan. Everything you hate is why it works. Get with the fucking program marketing boy.

We buy things not for their intrinsic purpose, but for what we think that thing projects about ourselves. What does fucking budweiser have to do with troops coming home from some retarded war? Nothing. The emotion is drawn from the reunion of this dumb heros returning to their retarded daughters and suddenly you feel a tinge in your cunt and buy a six pack. Get with the program champ.

They only pulled it because people not targeted for the demographic of the ad shit on it. I've literally witnessed people get pissy-eyed over adds like the budweiser one. It fucking works and you are shit at your job. Quit trying to be better than what you're supposed to do. Also, you're projecting your own mediocre career position on me.

You're not effective at what you currently do and you blame those who are.