How many of you would re subscribe to CP Media if Anth made Joe get a job at McDonalds?

31  2017-04-05 by iWhereSchortSchorts


I subscribed to CP media and where's all the CP! I thought this was my solution after dropb

Yeah, very unfortunate acronym. It's almost like he did it while drunk and/or not thinking it through.


Or both, like taking photos of scaffolding.

I always wondered what happened to John from John and Jeff. Hi pal!

in a second but there has to be a live stream of brojoe making fries

Haha and his supervisor is a 23 year old black kid that talks and acts like a gangbanger.

Scratch that last comment I'll tune into every episode of Finer Things for that

"Ayo mofucka restock the napkins on table 7 before you turn the patties!" "Yes sir."

It would be great to see him mumbling angrily about how the fuckin liberals did this to him in between drive-thru orders.

Pay the subscription fee, sure, but watch the content or visit the website? No way

You have to subscribe once to resubscribe...

Here I'll rephrase the question for you...would you subscribe if that happened.

No....i would listen though. Wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more...

What you mean "resubscribe."

Like any of you dildos subscribed.

I don't want to out myself but I subscribe to him and Artie. Been thinking about paying for LOS too. I usually just listen to TACS when I like the guests. For all the shit it gets here there are some great episodes. I spend 7 dollars within 15 minutes of walking into a bar. I don't really give a fuck about the money.

Who's your fave guest? Joe DeVito? Lionel?

Lionel is excellent, if you are politically awake and not a zombie, maaaaan!

I would honesly only ever consider subscribing if CQ were to get a weekly show. So never.

Only if they sentence Anthony to be Keiths buttler

Make it Taco Bell and maybe I think about it

Only if the McDonalds is in a black neighborhood.

I will say that I would to see it happen but then I wouldn't.

Shuuure everybody loves CP media

resub implies people subbed to begin with.