Pretty girl gets a tattoo

31  2017-04-04 by the_opester


Ain't she pretty

That is no girl...pretty sure.

Didn't know Redbar had a tattooing gig as well!

I kid I don't believe that is actually him

It's one thing to like Jared Leto's version of Joker. It's a whole different set of crazy to totally jump into the cosplay for life.

Insecure fags that think like women get tattoos

"I'm just expressing myself maahhhhhn"

Papa Roach plays loudly in the background

I hope all you assholes that kissed his ass last year are ashamed of yourselves.

where do I start- we used to like Opie, Anthony, Jimmy, Louie, Burr, Bobie, etc.

Basically Patrice is the only one who died and avoided being hated.

Now, your point was?

He was funny for brief period when he was shitting on the kike, and thats it.

Whos Bobie?

Only idiots misspell words, alwroite.

ME: We're just not that close awright! Leave it alone awright!

Duuude you got your schnauzer awlrite, den you get a poodle awlrite. And boom dude you got a schdoodle

We never liked Opie. At his best we ignored him.

No way, the majority of this sub defended Opie to the point of ganging up and down voting anyone who criticized him.

We just downvoted the troll accounts that did nothing but shit on Opie. It was pretty well established that he sucked and was the weakest link on the show.

Haha remember how embarrassing it was for this sub for tried to make Sam and that boring borerson Travis look cool?

im still embarrassed for the people that got on the "wuff wuff" t dawgy bandwagon.


Sir its pronounced "euowff wuoffe"

haha and these fucking garbage people said "dopie iz dumb" while they cheer on for this lazy and boring show

Shame is the oxygen of this sub.

Lol you retards used to like this jiggalipped faggot.

It was a tough time here. You have to understand the context.

A Star of (((David))) AND a shamrock? How original.

It's like there's an invisible magnifying glass held over his nose and mouth. Ugly motherfucker.

those are called cocksucking lips

as faggy as he is, Troy makes him look like Chuck Norris

If you get a tattoo with words, and it's not in a banner, it's shit and you're a fag. Self-love tattoos are for girls and NBA players who need garbage written on their ribs.

Or a prison gang member

100% agree. I'd also like to add - peckahs.

Self-love tattoos are for girls human trash

A tranny to turn into a lesbian—full circle or cowardice?


still can't believe DeRosa got "Kill Kikes Then Interrogate The Negros" tattoo'd on his arm

Can someone Photoshop a black man fucking him?

hey now this 22 year old has seen some shit maaaaan.

He should spend more time writing.

Pete looks like hes transitioning from a female to a male.

Lady Gaga with short hair

Star of David tattoo

I love these ignorant motherfuckers.

I commend Pete for coming on Opie radio when he was dope-sick from quitting weed cold turkey.

Bugs me that this twink is better at life than me.

The Stangels won.

Probably getting an American Airlines tramp stamp

not hardly jewish at all.