Who talks like this? Queen Mikey is the biggest queer of all.

19  2017-04-04 by HooHooRobin


I hope this is a suicide note.

he's begging his listeners to spam Ant and the staff http://imgur.com/a/sPsxm

how does this guy have friends on facebook that know who Anthony Cumia is? Is this an "anti-cumia" facebook group? Holy shit.

he's a psycho ex-O&A pest who went to a reform school where they abused him into having severe social disorders, and he has a small facebook group of obsessive faggots who hang on his every word

I also wouldn't be surprised if a ton of these facebook friends were Mike's alternate personalities. Either that or they suck his cock until they talk exactly like him. Lots of Barmy fags use weird phrasing from him like talking about "Cumia's bad business practices"

So let me guess, you are one of Anth's soldiers fighting the Barmy. What a fag.

What's the story about this school? With all the Gilgoring and Vos rolls I don't know what's real anymore.

He went to a reform boarding school called Elan in rural Maine. Seems like it was more of a prison/social experiment than a school. It was closed a few years back, in part because of exposure on Reddit and social media, when all the stories of abuse came out.
Other high profile alumni include Michael Skakel, the Kennedy cousin who murdered his neighbor in the 70's, and Amy and David Sedaris's sister who killed herself a few years ago. Her suicide was one of many for former Elan students. The school relied on its older students to psychologically break down its younger ones, with lots of shaming and humiliating rituals. I didn't realize this clown Redbar went there, but it makes total sense now.

Makes total sense. I could tell within minutes of watching him on the cumia network that this get is a seriously deranged psychopath.

Big time. There are a few AMAs with former students and a documentary about it that highlight how the students were conditioned to abuse one another psychologically. It reminds me of the Stanford prison experiment--really twisted.

With this guy, at first I thought it was a character or bit that could turn into something funny, but no he's just psychotic, and completely not funny.

Redbar went to the Elan School for the emotionally disturbed as a kid Ant tweeted a trailer for a doc about it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBkRy037eJ0

It got shut down for abuse of the children.

Redbar was obviously fucked up before and this school must have really done him in

So Redbar is fucked up because he went to this school and trandpa said so. OK, cool.

no, Redbar is fucked up because I've listened to him and he's a sociopath. And Redbar said he went to that school. And it was for fucked up kids, and it apparently mistreated the kids and fucked them up worse. Ant doesn't enter into the equation, just how I found out about the doc, faggot.

So is this confirmation that he comes from a rich family and is sitting on daddy's money?

Its good you got all his listeners on that thread though. At least he is reaching 100% of his audience with his faggotry


Fucking cunt Kanye West fan.

Jesus Christ. Enough with this faggot.

Why did you sign him ?

My dad is dying leave me alone!




This sub is about O&A drama. This guy does O&A drama. You can hate him, but I don't see why this isn't relevant. Kindly fuck off!

Listen to yourself man.

This is gossip central, a shithole. Shit content and shit people talking about shit content belong here. I regret nothing.

Patrick Bateman ovah here.

No not really gossip central.

You are a hen. Clucking about.

His episode is over and his Twitter is suspended. There's no reason to mention his faggot name until he does something notable again.

Yeah cause we should take this Twitter shit as stay as the three senior citizens of the show

What a try hard faggot.

They'll see the truth eventually. Shoutoutz.


He is a gentleman and a scholar, what of it?

He is a faggot who sucked dick in grade school.

You sir, are projecting

No it's a fact. Read about his time at the Elan School.

I refuse to ever read again, after this comment, of course

Don't be mad because you've been outed as a Redblart cockgobbler.

I've heard his Elan story. What part and time code did he say he sucked cock?

It's between the lines.

I'm aging so everything new is gay. I get it.

No, when there's widespread abuse like that it's generally assumed it happened and happened to everybody.

The only comparison you can make to what happened at the Elan school and what he does today is that at Elan, when you did something bad, they made you stand in the middle of the class room and get yelled at by everyone until you admitted you did something wrong.

If you think about it that's all his show is. He yells at D-list internet celebs hoping they'll admit they to their wrong doings.

They never do. That's why he's been yelling at some of them for 10 years now.

this is a pretty big revelation into why he's such a weird sociopath

Lol he sells this story on his site. He wants people to hear it. He's not hiding anything and any analysis you're going to come up with the the friends who did the podcast with him already pointed it out.

I'm not paying a dime to that talentless fuck to hear him make up stories about how he came out of a fucked up school unscathed. He went to the school, the school has a reputation for fucking kids up, and if you listen to him for a little bit you realize he's a clear sociopath.

Do you get tired of licking his balls or are they that good?

It's more so that i hate compound than I like Red bar.

Redbur is a queer.

I really want to move on from this stupid Ant/Redbar drama.

Wow, Ant does live reads for a shitty DVD sale company. It was cool when he was beating up teenagers and committing incest, but this DVD company has bad internet reviews! Who gives a fuck if he's "defending" Deep Discount - wow he wants to keep a sponsor instead of losing it.

Captain Black-People-Are-Savages should be holding out for that premiere endorsement deal with McDonalds or Pepsi, right? Maybe Nike's gonna roll out a $300 million dollar endorsement?

Redbar is a fucking nobody hack and I have a sneaking suspicion he's trying to manipulate the sub from the inside.

It really is the lowest grade internet drama imaginable. Only an autist faggot would truely give a fuck which irrelevant companies advertise on an irrelavent podcast.

O&A had spots for buying oil rigs, gay sex lube, loan sharks, and painted aluminum roses.

But people give a fuck about a DVD company.

Carbonite.com killed and raped my friend. In that order.

Remember when cumia made those Gregg shells episode only one blog reported the whole thing, and it's run by some retarded ona ex staff

The drama was kind of funny the first couple days but it's now gotten solidly gay

As much of a fag Antwan is, he was correct in saying that Redbar would return to irrelevancy the second Ant stopped aknowledging him.

I watched about 30 seconds of his show yesterday and cannot believe there are guys in this sub that actually support or care about this faggot.

He is not some random dude though. He was hired to be on Compound media, then got fired shortly after. He has real reason to hate Cumia and Keith. So he is trying to stir up drama with them. He did shit like giving out Keith's phone number on Twitter, and attacked Anthony's sponsors. What is not to like. This is the exact stuff that this sub does every day. Now it is done on a larger level. It's just entertaining to watch all of this stuff unfold. What do you want? More Rich Vos jokes? Or more jokes about Anthony looking like a minority?

Because it feels entirely forced coming from Redbar's perspective, doing all this shit to advertise himself.

It doesn't feel natural at all, and coupled with the fact that this isn't really a big issue to begin with, who the fuck cares? There's a major difference between biting your girlfriend, dating your niece, doxing subscribers and taking cash to promote a shitty website for 90 seconds.

Yet Redbar is all "GO MY BRAVE ARMY WE MUST POINT OUT THAT FALSE POSITIVE REVIEWS WERE ADDED!" Help me uncover the twisted conspiracy that Anthony Cumia is a majority shareholder in Deep Discount!


He literally gave out Keith's phone number, while Keith's father is dying. This is not a fake beef. The Compound media people hate him with a passion. It is forced. But who cares. It's the same thing we do on this sub all the time. We force and manufacture drama. Amy Schumer isn't actually stealing jokes. But that hasn't stopped people on here from trying to destroy her career.

I mean, first Schumer is actually stealing jokes. Did you see the shot-for-shot recreation of the Mad TV skit?

But to the larger point, there's a difference between Redbar and say ihaveaholeinmyass. One trolls twitter for no other purpose than to troll, and perhaps entertain the people on this sub for doing so. Redbar does so to advertise himself - to get people on "his side", subscribe to his shitty podcast, because he understands how many of us are willing to go after Ant when the latest "he's actually fucking his niece" story hits, and wants to capitalize on that. Financially speaking. The problem is that Ant doing 90-second reads for a DVD website really doesn't carry the same umph as Ant's other scandals, so now Redbar does shit like tweet phone numbers to heighten the feud.

The hatred may be real but the forced nature of it, from the lesser celebrity using the bigger celebrity as a steppingstone for his own career, comes across as transparent as fuck.

According to Mike he quit voluntarily - this is one the points he makes about compound media lying. Then he even revealed that getting on the show was a goof just to get new followers, he never really gave a fuck about compound media.

You have got to be 100% insane to believe that Mike wanted to get signed to compound media as a goof

Really? He tweeted it or dm'd Anthony this, can't find it now but it was on his twitter feed - he openly admitted he had secret motives of coming in to get a larger fan base and find more shit about the goings on of compound media. He was proud he tricked Anthony and gloated about it.

Saying he is just trying to get revenge on people that fucked him over is ridiculous.

My ex girlfriend couldn't tell enough people that she never gave a fuck about me too. Her and Mike David, Cunts.

he posted his own Anthony Cumia listening thread in his FB group yesterday, and then proceeded to repeatedly beg his faggy fans to call in and "expose" Anthony

You must be one of the fags part of it then.

Just to see what they're up to

but fair enough

Are you not doing the exact same thing?

No, no I'm not.

Is he telling us to call into the Redshitshow?

Why doesn't he call into Anthony's show?

Have someone else on the line to talk to Garrett, then get on the horn with Anthony. Anthony will talk over him, but he can simulcast it on his own show and release that clip via YouTube.

Guess he's just not as big on confrontation as he claims to be.

I think the fact that he uses the word Barmy was evidence of this.

"they don't know the real story"

Coming from the guy who got all of his info from this sub.

Didn't he say the barmy thing is just cumia trying to manipulate the hate

Will you all please shut the fuck up about these irrelevant, obnoxious faggots and their middle school drama already

There's nothing else going on.

I did not think hating this attention seeking faggot anymore was possible and then I realize he's a jew.

This man is a huge faggot.


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Kill yourself, Mike David.

Seems like a nice fun guy, we should all be friendly and support him whattya think fellas?

what a butthurt faggot.


With his podcast that makes no money and his burning bridges schtick, I'd say he is a trust funder kid because he obviously doesn't have to work.

It's so obvious this RedBar hack is shamelessly trying to court this sub for his own personal interests & anyone falling for the sham is an embarrassment.


I want to murder that hipster fag.

I really like Red Bar....Show is great. This on the other hand has been an absolute disappointment. Mike was too busy staying off Reddit because he didn't want to read any criticism on his show.....We knew all of this stuff from the get-go. Couldn't care less who Anthony's sponsors are. He did call us off of here in the Bring Back Group....So yea....It's over.

Oh, did he really call you off? So pathetic that you take marching orders from a weak minded sociopath

I don't take orders from anyone.....Been on the sub since before i started listening to Red Bar Radio.....He did it as a courtesy.

He did call us off of here in the Bring Back Group....So yea....It's over.

sounds like you're taking orders to me

He did it as a courtesy, I have no problem saying what I want when I want.

I don't take orders from anyone.....Been on the sub since before i started listening to Red Bar Radio.....He did it as a courtesy.

I'm aging so everything new is gay. I get it.

So let me guess, you are one of Anth's soldiers fighting the Barmy. What a fag.