Why you shouldn't trust Red Bar/ Mike David

28  2017-04-03 by [deleted]



YOUR PHONE CUT OUT, I am only joking that bit is old hat instead how about a "You wrote too much and no one cares" or even a hearty "Your mother lays with the lesser of stock".

What drugs are involved here?

Some sort of upper

Turning out to be kind of a downer

Agreed who would wanna read this mess

Something taken rectally I'm sure.

Like a fawkin peckah or sumpthin'

Is there any other way to take 'em?


you expect this sub to read two paragraphs?

So you're saying this redbar guy isn't maintaining his professional relationships very well?

so many words...

Relax, Keith.

I just think it's funny to watch him attack Ant. I'm not trying to cosign a loan with him.

"I said I knew im, Left. I didn't say I fucked im."

Don the Jeweler's a good earner.

That movie isn't referenced enough here, an overlooked classic.

"Lose the cowboy boots; this ain't no fuckin rodeo. Dress, like I dress."

For sure, I just don't trust him as far as I can smooch him on the nose, ya little scamp :)

dont ruin the "bit"

Its so fun to see this Cumpound media cucksuckers panicking and thinking someone here gives two flying fucks about REDBAR for real.

It really is shocking how many people have defended Ant and Keith. I thought we were better than this.

I thought we were better than this.

What ever gave you that impression?

Redbar is a fag. I thought he was ok, but he talks about how everything else is cringe, while being very cringy himself. Him calling jeans "janes" is the gayest thing ever. "We call people by the wrong names intentionally"...groundbreaking shit.

Nice novel, faggot.

Nice try

Who fucking cares about trusting or not trusting a podcaster who is fighting with another podcaster?

This must be Keith because the spelling is awful.

I think you are greatly overestimating how much people here care about Red Bar.

He's definitely as much of a douche as most of the people he attacks with his stupid fashion shit but it sounds like you're just shilling for compound media

you seem like a cool guy. tell us more........

A guy with opinions about someone else's pants...This guy, this is not my kinda guy.

It's called a paragraph..

Anyone else noticed he failed to get on McInnes today?

Oh yeah, a caller asked about it and their reactions were hilarious: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHgGC0DEnqM&feature=youtu.be

Btw, that faggot with the tie is a long time Red Bar Listener himself, the whole thing is just awkward...

Now do a bio on yourself. Lets see if anyone makes it passed your name and age.


It's Bobby Kelly.

You could have just typed "Jew".

I was immediately put off by his gay hair, then I kind of came back when he bashed that Fixing Joe debacle pretty well, but his inherent fagginess just seeps through.

Yeah. The fixing Joe destruction was great but he sucks otherwise.

The personal info abuse is one thing, but his obscession with youth and the fucking nerve of him to think that he can infinitely reinvent himself to always stay hip and cool is insulting. It came out the worst in his hour long "janes" discussion when he made his listeners take photos of their "janes" and he reviewed them. Heterosexual men shouldn't care about fashion on any level. Just buy the first thing in the store and be done with it, homo boy!

Anyone got an RSS feed for him. This guy sounds cool as fuck.

Trust? I like that he is fucking with Anthony. I don't care about him in the slightest.

That's all fine and dandy, but that doesn't make him wrong about the issues he raised with Ant endorsing Deep Discount DVD.

I don't care if Ant advertises child prostitutes. Who gives a shit about a fucking DVD company that he mentions for 1 minute a show?

Are we seriously bitching about the integrity of these people? When did this place become a bunch of whiny little girls? Can we just get back to being pieces of shit and move on?

Why is everyone around here so adamant about shutting this guy down? Just ignore him. If you don't like him then don't listen to his show.

someone wanna summarize this for me? not reading

The mods have tacitly endorsed Redbar by including a link to their sub in the sidebar.

and that must of felt good

People like Redbar because he creates drama. And drama is what this sub thrives on.

13 years going strong, yep just a flash in the pan!

Do very hip rappers still like that? If so, for how long will that style of jeans still be hip?

tss what about hop??

Unless they are molesting children, I don't care if an entertainer is a piece of shit.

That said, his sidekick is terrible and his long windedness really works against him when he's not on a hot topic.

Exactly, fuck Redbar, I actually don't mind him, but I'm surprised the sidekick doesn't get more attention round here.

Mike is a self-destructive child yet he is well into his 30's.

He's actually in his 40's.

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Less people know/care about him than they do Ant. That's saying something. He's also a giant tool.


How about just ignoring him for the best reason... he's a pathetic queer who begs 4chan to accept him because "he's just like them!" and then he records god awful songs of him imitating Drake. And he doesn't do it as a joke, he's serious about it.

And who is Red Bar?

Red Bar is only good when he does Joe Maaaterese

I only watched his destruction of Joe Matarese and it was f'ing hilarious. Why do I need to "trust" him anyway?

What do you do for a living, character?

I am doing pretty well, both financially and relationship wise.

I love listening to Redbar and I don't go to him for fashion advice. Whats your point?

Marks a good egg

Like a fawkin peckah or sumpthin'

Is there any other way to take 'em?