MODS PLEASE STICKY: #BroJoeProblems on Urban Dictionary

22  2017-04-03 by TangerineReam


These fuckin LIB-TARDS

The fact that he uses "tard" and "retard" so liberally really offends my moral senses. I will not be seeing a 2U show because of their racist/hate-mongering guitarist (Fat Edge). I'm writing a letter to the venue, and I suggest you do, too.

no one gives a shit you try hard faggot. ur like that hack comedian with the love master bit that he keeps doing it over & over because it got laughs one time. move on to something else besides ur faggy urban dictionary bit


my apologies sir

I thought a BroJoe problem would include something like "pretending to know the Constitution and basic business/relational standards and seek reality court litigation when your ignorance blows up in your face. Basically, being autistic without the charming, oddly specific knowledge of anything at all."

*A fascist private company in a black city canceled my contract. I have FREEDOM OF SPEECH which entitles me to use public social media accounts to call blacks n-words, subhuman garbage, and other protected epithets with zero consequence! I'll see you in the People's Court where I'll get a SAG card for free health insurance.

That's not how literally any of this works. At all. Stop causing all these BroJoeProblems, read a book, and shut up publically."

Well, we want to make a specific "thing" here stick...

Let me get a secondary definition then, dawgsy.

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