Sammy Englishmuffins!

6  2017-04-03 by Dennyislife


Someone flew 4,300 miles to watch this shit? What a faggot.

Perhaps. Although its a global game with fans in every country. Even turned up in new Zealand last week

As an Arsenal fan, it's gone beyond embarrassment and is just funny now. The club's a joke; Wenger is untouchable, the board don't give a shit as long as the sky and cl money keeps coming in, the players (apart from Sanchez) are a bunch of mediocre, ball-less poofs who don't seem interested in winning trophies and the fans are fighting each other in the stands. Wenger's taking the piss out of supporters who pay the highest ticket prices in Europe and holding the club to ransom, it's obvious he'll sign another 2 year contract and the decline will continue. He's ruining his own legacy with his arrogance and obstinacy. Rant that no one else cares about over.

Didn't his wife leave him because he wouldn't quit? Doubt he gives a fuck about what fans think

I have respect for a man, that refuse to pull out despite constant begging

Pretty sure she left him because he was porking that singer half his age.

as an Arsenal fan

You're a nigger?? I never would have thought that