Yea, I can suck a mean dick.

30  2017-04-03 by [deleted]




Not to body-shame fellas, but that proud boy has the girliest arms I've ever seen.

You really want to mess with an 8th degree proud boy?

Ill tell that nigga to squad up & rum through!

so brave

I almost feel bad for these confused lil' fellas. If you're going to get a regrettable tattoo, rule #1 is make it an amorphous graphic/tribal design that can be explained away easily, or adapted to future life circumstances. Do Not get words on your body unless they are your children's names, or "mom", or something similarly explainable like "never forget" over a waving flag. (Military dudes have different rules, I can't speak to them) Fuck, I probably even got that rule from Gavin from like 15 years ago when his magazine was cool and he wrote funny columns and sidebars about street culture for hipsters, before it was MSM, before he killed his career there and became a political sideshow and a stooge.

You learned to not get retarded tattoos from Gavin? You're just as bad the proud boys!

Nope. I've always known not to get retarded tattoos, I actually have none, by myself, but happened to read that from Gavin back in the day and chuckled, in paper form, on the subway because I had long ride and Vice had some funny articles. At that time Vice didn't take itself that seriously. I know I'm dating myself with the paper magazine reference, but hey that's my 2 cents.

Sounds like it was a real hoot straphangin on he subway laughin with Gavin :)

Its like that thing with earings except you might as well tattoo "raging homosexual" on your forehead.

I hear in Texas you can shoot a man down if they have that marking.

It should be illegal not to.

The state pays 50 bucks for each proud boy scalp.

"We're going to be doing one thing, and one thing only: killin' proudboys. Each of you is responsible for bringing me one hundred proudboy scalps. And I want my scalps."

That is the absolute gayest thing you could have on your skin, other than another man's cum.

At least the cum wipes off, and you can try to forget about it. This guy is marked as a faggot for life.

Having his faggot boyfriend's name tattooed would be less faggy than this.

For the rest of the world who has no idea who Proud Boys are, this tattoo would actually look unironically as gay as it is ironically

If I ever see a Proud Boy tattoo on the street, I'm hitting.

I feel bad for that girl, has no tits.

No one's going to ever see that.

Might as well craft yourself a sword and shield outta cardbord and duck tape. Proud boys gotta be the gayest group of larpers...

I politely asked him what he was thinking

I'll explain that is was 2017, when America decided to be woke!

At least the cum wipes off, and you can try to forget about it. This guy is marked as a faggot for life.

Having his faggot boyfriend's name tattooed would be less faggy than this.

For the rest of the world who has no idea who Proud Boys are, this tattoo would actually look unironically as gay as it is ironically