Mike David's twitter suspended.

3  2017-04-03 by wadall


Also Cumia is deleting all Red Bar related tweets.


I love that Mike Redbar is losing.

Motivating someone that has pedo dirt on you is always a good move.

Wait, what?

he has the same "dirt" that this sub has. Nothing new.

Didn't say it was new.

How is he losing?

Twitter suspended.

In what universe is that losing? If he takes this to the press, it'll look bad for Anthony.

I'm sure the press will be all over this tomorrow morning.

Has anyone ever even heard of this loser outside of this sub?

I'm sure TMZ is camped out outside. Everyone can't wait to get a piece of this one!

Anything gets bad press all the time. People either know who he is and aren't surprised, or they've never heard of him.

losing what?

reputation? popularity?

No one involved in this is a "winner".

Wolf Shitzer here in the situation room Rich Vos will be at the Dead Crow In Wilmington NC.June 9,10..

now this is a good 'radio' WAR.

Motivating someone that has pedo dirt on you is always a good move.

How is he losing?

Wait, what?

he has the same "dirt" that this sub has. Nothing new.

losing what?

reputation? popularity?

No one involved in this is a "winner".

Has anyone ever even heard of this loser outside of this sub?