Jim Norton works out with pastel colored lady weights

13  2017-04-02 by DeepJoeRogan


The 2 ouncers

And those 1/2 lb sandbags you velcro to your ankles before you do step-aerobics

what percentage of his workout requires a yoga-ball?


Light weight and high reps! He doesn't want to bulk up and not fit in his boys medium Sabbath shirts.

"I just want to tone up man... ahh deep inhale you know, I don't want to be a muscle man... just gointothegym, gointothegym and eatinbettah... haha... fuck I am tired."

It's the smart thing to do at his age. If he starts trying to pack on weight at his age, it might stress his frame, and he'll have to increase his calorie consumption which means losing control of his strict diet, which means becoming a fat fuck again.

Most of the slugs around here don't get any more strenuous exercise than mopping the floors at Panera, so I doubt many of us are in a position to say anything.

I mean he could just eat more chicken and mustard

Jim Norton is a pastel colored lady.