Comedians in Cars Getting Coffins

60  2017-04-02 by swankyturd


Episode 1: Artie Lange

Episode 2: Bobby Kelly

Episode 3: Jim Norton (AIDS)

Oh, no, no, no, those comedians aren't dead.

two of them did attempt suicide, though.

"...pray for me."

-James Norton, age 13, after a lifelong struggle with substance abuse and a failed suicide attempt.

Am I the only one that thinks Sam Kinison was overrated?

Nope. He just screamed at the crowd then died young and fat.

He also made an embarrassing variety show.

Yup. Remember that one "rock 'n' roll" standup special where he dicked around on guitar for like 15 minutes and told jokes like "Rap? Put a "C" in front of that and that's what you get! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!"? Hilarious stuff.

And he had a sitcom, Charlie Hoover. He was the mini manifestation of a conscience for one of the guys from Animal House.

No. And that Quasimodo mother fucker would be dead by now anyway. Nobody shaped like that lives very long

No,Joe Rogan thinks he peaked at time of death.

Joe Rogan of the famous "Bimbos" observational humor?

a lot of old school comedy that was ground breaking at the time doesn't hold up

Eddie Murphy's shit is still fucking hilarious.

He's terrible.

I really liked his scene in Back to School, and when he was on Married with Children.

That's pretty much it, though. It's hard to be that dedicated to partying and drugs and still write great material.

He also looks like Ronda Rousey, or does she look like him? Same put on tough act as well.

Holy shit I never noticed that!

Am I the only one that thinks Sam Kinison was overrated?

He once ruined my mushroom high cause he was on TV.

I've tried to give his stuff a chance but every time he broke into that crutch of a hyperactive coke scream I had to turn it off or suffer 3rd degree cringe burns


Sam was never on O&A

Good thing this hungry hippo isn't still around. He wouldn't fit in the car to get coffee, Jerry would have to pick him up in a bus.

Holy shit is that funny.

is that Alex Jones?

Proof that you should never get sober or let a woman drive.

He had coke in his system when he died haha.

Eddie Murphy's shit is still fucking hilarious.