Tits does his best Florentine impression - passive aggressive (totally not womanly) dig at prehistoric intern who stole his job.

26  2017-04-02 by JoeCumiasCockBreath


What an insufferable faggot Gregg is.

but Gregg is a connoisseur of fine entertainment ... I wouldn't have found out about desperate house wives with out her

He was watching WWF when he was 48 and Anthony was 63.

Asking if you are 12 works in a lot of contexts and this is one of them.

I believe it's the first question Anthony asks when he's on a date.

Comedy 101

3 years ago he was obsessing about Faaaandaaaaango for weeks.

That's not how you say it.

They had on wrestlers every week on WNEW. I don't watch it anymore either.

Whaaaat a dork, this is a fine comment to make but NOT for him. He just got done promoting this turd shit to the O&A fanbase

Your 12 year old protégé now has your time slot and a TV gig, bitch.