Which comes first? Roland's heart attack or Erocks wife filing for divorce?

59  2017-04-02 by ihaveaholeinmyass


Roland's heart attack is going to be any month now

He wears that fucking scrub daddy shirt everywhere

It's to remind his keepers that he requires cleaning

It's the only one that fits anymore

Roland has been quite massive for a long time now.

Roland is the type of fat that draws a lot of public attention

Both these guys used to Be skinnny and are now who's give a fuck fat.

Erock was a pretty boy too. If there's any way to get that picture


pic doesnt work for me

I know, I can't find it. He had his shit together in 1996.

i dont believe you

he's desperately trying to look skinny in that twitter profile pic

Is it the pic in the center of this video? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1Ki299UT-c

Yes. Amon Göth haircut and adult clothes. Maybe not so pretty as I remembered, but at least not obese and in sweat clothes

You're not a medium, Roland. Buy a shirt that fits

its a 4x

he should get what fattie b got

Erock really does look retarded. It's not even a joke anymore.

if his pregnant mom bumped the table just once, tossed and turned just a little extra, maybe just another diet coke, and erock would be full-blown Downs. he just missed it by a cunt's hair. his mom's cunt.

Roland sounded like a small south asian during the Patrice days.

I couldn't have been more wrong.

Yeah now he sounds like gridlanka the bottom dweller.

I never took it as a joke.

Louie Anderson lookin fucker

I 100% lurk here but I needed to post how angry Eroks face makes me. Like punch 100 kittens angry.

It's his beady, cow-like eyes.

He looks like a drag queen who is allergic to shellfish but keeps eating it anyway.

I assume the restaurant will burn the chairs these two grotesque pigs fouled during their feeding.

Jesus Christ. Just 2 behemoths. This is like porn for fat guys.

Garbage plates?


What a couple of foodies eating baked fucking ziti.

How does Roland have such a high voice while being this fat?

He keeps his vocal cords as thin as possible so he can fill his gullet more.

Is that the gahbagool?

Sex Bagel will get a break for being a non-threatening man child. His divorce will come before Sam's though.

Roland didn't learn that nature hates him from his premature balding and chose to be a fat cunt. He will eat himself into an early grave, deservedly so.

ERock looks like the drinking outta cups lizard....but fat.

Why does Roland have a face of someone you just walked into touching a baby.

cuz he touches babies, regularly gets caught and makes a face. duh.

Which one of these morons thought it would be a good idea to take a photo together? God they both are disgusting messes

The mad Cuban Carl Ruiz... it's off his twitter today

Tss the fawkin peckah comes first

Just put the fucking food down, all you fatties. Be hungry for part of the day, youll survive.

You should write a book

Alright so 4 plates for 2 people, I see 3 drink glasses (either erock ate the other person or some fag needs a cup for their Red Bull shit), Erock got penne and one cows worth of meatballs, Roland appears to be eating a crunch wrap supreme and wearing adidas sweatpants. The epitome of SLABBO.

Roland is also wearing a tshirt promoting a sponge.

OK! ... uk ha the worst tasting food in the world, but how many calories on each plate? :O that must be an erock thing!?!?

Glad neither of those have reproduced.

Erocks wife is forced to leave him after he has dies from a heart attack...Jesus christ he's sweating from eating.

I need to see a photo of this woman

Is that a diet soda?

More combined pounds in one picture than a stock photo of the British Treasury.

  1. Erock's hair is wet
  2. Erock has no hair on his arms
  3. Erock's arms are all fat and soft
  4. Erock's eyes are shaped like a retards
  5. Erock is pointing at the pasta because he has no self confidence when taking natural photographs

Hand is very doughy too. Looks like he's wearing a flesh glove. Veins completely engulfed by excess fat the bodily remainder has no other room for.

Hoodie sleeve, although pulled up, still maintaining a grip tighter than necessary. A larger hoodie would do.

Bruises on arm due to furious eating

Roland is also wearing that dumb scrub daddy t-shirt they got for free.

Being a foodie is no excuse for being a fattie.

Foodies stink


They both look like gym teachers, Erock being the lesbian kind and Roland the Sandusky kind

One has an extra chromosome and the other is just a fat sack of shit. How delightful!

Flabby bedroom eyes

amazed Erock is still married, his other half must have some big mental issues. the cunt is now obese and collects toys. I'm sure she loves when they socialise

This is a good question I am going with piggy divorce the heart attack.

I like two think they are out spending the afternoon together while their wives are at home entertaining a negro.

I can't imagine they can keep a black gentleman entertained and engaged without showing him Erik's Legos or his rare Star Wars collection.

Mrs. Rock just can't get over how cool he is when he points to the other guy in a photo.

"This guy!"

"No, This guy!"

Heart attack. You can't eat like that for 45 years or however old that creep is.

Erock is a nice boy. Roland is a genuine pile of pig feces.

Is this even a question? Look at Roland, he could easily drop dead right there at that table

man erocks a good dude and all, but he got some fetal alcohol syndrome eyes

b-b-b-b-big jelly tits!

Fat Bastard Society board meeting.

stop doing the Mug 'n Point in every fucking photo, erik. nobody's buying the "hey, it's not about me, it's about this guy" shit


Erock's wife is an enabler like the people in "My 600lbs life" who aren't the 600lb person.

Erock is fat, but Roland is looking straight obese

Erocks wife is good looking and in shape,isn't she?

Ia erocks wife hot?

that paper towel roll was full when they sat down.

Erock looks baaaaaad.

This photo was taken from the ISS

I know, I can't find it. He had his shit together in 1996.