Funniest Cumtown story IMO... Nick Mullen's days working at a cell phone kiosk at the mall

4  2017-04-01 by duranfarbissina


I listened to the whole thing and I smirked but I don't see how this is hilarious.

I tend to indulge in hyperbole when I'm drunk, the part about the 37 year old retarded guy w/ his mom does make me laugh out loud tho

It's actually pretty funny now that I think about it. "that guy is a fucking loser!"

this is /r/opieandanthony, do you have anything about opieandanthony/

I was looking for this clip. Nice call

Which one's Nick Mullen? The monotone bore or the one with the hideous screeching laugh?

We like sold cell phones at like this cheap mall and and we would like rip people off selling ringtones and like got commission..Like shut the fuck up.

Holy shit the other guys make this almost unlistenable.

Your clip cut off before the funny part.