So Redbar didnt reveal anything...

3  2017-04-01 by TangerineReam

Is that what the sub is saying? I was drinking hard and doing bumps all night...missed the drama


He almost snapped a DVD in half, it was a tour de force

Anything he revealed had already been posted here a long time ago and he wouldnt shut the fuck up about deep discount. There's so much to shit on Anthony for I don't know why he chose the least funny angle

Because he's an unfunny shitbag.

Even the degenerate sockcuckas of this subreddit rehashing the same jokes over and over and over are more funny than that redbar shit.

He's gonna cover Anthony for months. He's spacing out the content.

Months? He does a 8 hour show, how many hours is he gonna space out content? The guy sucks worse than most amateur podcasters out there.

I thought he would have brought up a ton of inside stuff that we wouldn't be aware of but instead, he spent an hour on deep discount, another hour on the dani periscope and then the final hour on the fact that anthony is attracted to underage girls. Nothing new.

So it was a big waste-er-rooni then...

He didn't necessarily break anything exclusive, other than the animation of Anthony eating a human hand, but he did go over dozens of stories that were long forgotten even by us and gave them a spotlight.

Anthony was also watching it live and commenting on it on Twitter. None of us would ever be able to make Anthony sit down and make him watch us beating the shit out of him for hours. I think it was great.

OI! Plonka! ... we HAVE made that happen for years, not hours

Didn't he give out compound media's login password?

yes but nobody even wants their shit for free.

Shocking: guy who briefly worked for him and doesn't really know him had no stories about him.

I can't get through 5 minutes of Redbart .. his speech impediment is maddening.

Moreso than the air horn?

Go listen to Brian on the Brink.

I found out if you say fuck him some people get upset.

Because he's an unfunny shitbag.

Even the degenerate sockcuckas of this subreddit rehashing the same jokes over and over and over are more funny than that redbar shit.

He's gonna cover Anthony for months. He's spacing out the content.