Important Reminder: James Norton is unaware of South Parks excellence and quietly resents the shows existence

15  2017-04-01 by duranfarbissina



When he sees someone like Amy get called out for stealing I am sure he feels he made the right move not watching comedy

He must not know about the episode with Ozzy.

I don't watch cartoons.

Makes cartoon.

Anything on Comedy Central but Big Amy and Nikki Glaser angers him because he's still bitter about Tough Crowd.

Did you know it isn't fair that animation can get away with more jokes than we could on Tough Crowd?

I love Tough Crowd but Colin's monologs the the sketches were awful. Plus aside from the core group every comedian they had in was a script-reading bore.

Yeah, he always made it seem like what South Park was doing was easy. And the only reason they were able to do such funny stuff is because they were given so much freedom. But then when he gets a chance to make a cartoon, he makes that horse shit Chip cartoon.

In his defense, South Park hasn't been funny in a decade.

Not being funny is excusable, considering humor's subjective. But holy fuck, their writing is terrible these days. They don't even finish plotlines, they start ideas and don't finish them, etc. Serialization was a mistake.

Trump winning fucked them this season.

Season 20 is the only season that wasnt good. Anything before that is comedic gold.

Season 20 had its moments too, but you can tell they were scrambling after they didn't anticipate Trump winning, and they didn't stick the landing.

He always felt like they ripped off his AIDS stuff. HOW BOUT A NICE BIG BUCKET OF AIDS!

Southpark tapered off, wasn't funny during OnA's peak.