Mike David (REDBAR), former O&A fanboy, infiltrated Compound Media, to get the real "scoop" on all things Anthony. Proceeds to give his "magnum opus" of shows presenting nothing more than google results... possibly hoping to give a boost to a relatively unknown 14 year old podacast.

56  2017-04-01 by AnnJilliansBrassiere

with regular only guest and cohost, an always (often embarassingly) drunk and high Sven Stoffels. ...peckahs


This'll be over in a week or 2 and he'll be gone again. This Deep Discount scandal is weak as fuck. Every podcast does it. It's his last chance to ride Ant's coattails. Fucking YAWN

someone needs to dox him while the iron's hot or this is gonna be forgotten in a week

How in the fuck does someone do a podcast for 14 years, have a good 5-6 years ahead of everyone to figure it out and use the internet to grow and spread the show, yet in 14 years is more obscure than the Fixing Joe podcast. Hang it up man, the past 14 years have been a waste.

That's the problem, if a show has been around this long, you may have a loyal fanbase, but its hard to appeal to new listeners.

Btw the show was way bigger a few years ago, but since he stopped doing ads and having comedians on, it kinda changed from being fast paced and outrageous to more of a slow burn, which doesn't attract as many people.

Also, while I don't know the numbers, he seems to be doing well money wise, can do whatever he wants and only has to 'work' one night a week.

But I agree, for new listeners the show is just as hard to access as old man Cumia babbling about wacky news and Battlefield 1.

he seems to be doing well money wise

So good that he was begging his listeners for money to pay Sven.

Proof that Fixing Joe has better numbers? I find that hard to beleive. But even if that's the case, you should understand that it got better numbers by doing hacky, safe shit and pandering to equally as bad conman comics. All of these are offenses that deserve nothing but an execution.

Redbar also goes out of his way to offend and chase away the trashy nerdy listeners of his out of sheer disgust, and they are usually the exact people who listen to all of these shitty shows.

It's not a waste of time cause he moves the goal posts. He keeps lowering his goals till the point where he does 1 show a month playing other peoples videos.

is he really around for 14 years?

Yep since 03

Since he was 18.



Who are the idiots who buy his 'dope merch'? I dont get how this guy makes a living. It intrigues me.

Seriously, there has to be a tax scam or he just lives off some inheritance.

or he just lives off some inheritance

That has to be it.

I don't think he could have more than 200 paid subscribers. $2000/month plus some sweatshirts can't pay the bills.

You never know. I mean look at the amount of money Cum Town is making. And they have only been around for less than a year. And they are making over 12,000 dollars per month.

You're omitting the fact that Cum Town is hilarious

People love Cum Town & nobody likes RedBar.

Thank you sir, that was my one take away from the clip i saw. How many fucking times can he say dope merch? I know he's not Anthony old but he's still too old for that.

People actually buy Compound Media merch too, I've seen it on twitter. It's embarrassing.

I buy opie merch

I wear it too

I would only buy a ESD shirt.

Spot on. I hung in there for the whole show. It was okay, but he didn't really provide anything that wasn't already common knowledge to almost everybody here.

It was a little disappointing because other times he picked on Cumia and Gavin etc. he showed that he was very perceptive and picked up on things I hadn't noticed or at least hadn't seen many people point out.

Is it like Rachel Maddow got all worked up over two whole pages of Trumps tax return from 5 or 10 years ago?

Two pages that proved that A) yes he's rich, and b) he paid a higher tax rate than almost anyone?

Maddow is retarded, and so are her followers. I can't believe she didn't get canned for that.

Why would she get fired for following orders?

can we please get some dox on this guy's personal life and familial/social relations? I'm too lazy/don't care but fuck would it spice things up here

In the words of Mike, 'Shout outz' to everyone who joined the stream Braunheiser put up. Long live Gilgore.

I kind of like Mike David, while I acknowledge he can be a longwinded bore. Sven stoefels on the other hand is just a dull as shit drunk, who really slows Mike down to halt. What an absolute shit show. Fuck both of them. Enjoy eating your 'Tendahs' knowing you had probably the biggest crowd since you left Compound Media and put them to sleep.

Sven Stoffels is such a fucking loser.

You don't like his complete inability to contribute​ anything of value to a conversation besides saying 'fuck'?

You don't like his complete inability to contribute​ anything of value to a conversation besides saying 'fuck'?

You don't like his complete inability to contribute​ anything of value to a conversation besides saying 'fuck'?

You don't like his complete inability to contribute​ anything of value to a conversation besides saying 'fuck'?


That shit is spot on. Dude has zero conversational ability. Near Opie levels of vapidity

You don't like his complete inability to contribute​ anything of value to a conversation besides saying 'fuck'?

Wait wait wait, before we continue, let's have another shot...

Why isn't part 2 posted on Redbar's site?

Mike claiming that he intentionally "infiltrated" the network is some "Opie" level delusional bullshit.

/r/opieandanthony users are turning on this guy fast....../r/opieandanthony is all about quality,/r/opieandanthony knows Red Bar blows

ill say it again ....../r/opieandanthony

What's your favorite sub?

say ../r/opieandanthony again!!

This guy made listeners pay for his flight to New York so he could go on legion of skanks. Then didn't go at the last minute because he didn't want to ruin his vacation. This guys a fraud.

My problem with Redbar is his inability to focus on one thing at a time. The other friday he was dissecting Amy Schumer's special while Sven rambled on like a drunk retard, then all of a sudden he is talking about guns and rambling about traps he owns. The guy is a mental rambling bore.

Please, say "ramble" one more time.

I smell Jew.

Can you faggots shut the fuck up about this faggot? We don't even get a clip of him bashing tranthiny just endless gossip threads from his faggot subscribers, fuck off.

Oh, whaatza mattah /u/JoeCumiaSr ? Did Ro forget the parmesian for your spaghetti?