There's 777,071 People listening to Red Bar right now thats more than anthony's compound media subscribers....who popular now....

0  2017-03-31 by sarahemmingway


Shut the fuk up Red Bar

That's total views for the history of the channel, isn't it?

Psssh no way! Redbar is totally getting Seinfeld re-run ratings for this show

Can you imagine what Redbar could command for a live commercial read now!! Who knew like...a MILLION people gave a squirt of piss about Anthony and a podcaster?

you're not smart.

LMAO! Grade A troll or immensely retarded.

This is the fourth post I've seen you make about Red Bar today. You seem like a real faggot.

Wow, he's cracked five hundred (500) viewers during the height of a huge category 5 finger of god shitstorm event. What's his viewer count at on a slow night?

Did you ever fuck u/afriendlycreeper?

hey! Nope, still waiting with bated breath...

keep waiting...........

gurl, u so fine, i want ya to have my kidz

now just remember, it's not the size of the boat, it's the motion of the ocean.

I <3 you u/streetsdont

no i'm not.....sara hemmingway is a fake email name i used to resubscribe every month to sirius xm free trials......

that was total channel count, but this thing stunk! awful borefest!

Redbarn, the farmer called,he wants his jackass back.

hey! Nope, still waiting with bated breath...