you are all giant fagggots (15/324)

0  2017-03-31 by rimitress

hurrrrr kids spit in joes mouth hurrrrrrrrrr hahahaaa being a reddit mod is gayer than garglng with cum.

haha vos at funny bone hahahaaa hurrrrrrrrrr durrrrrrr anthony fucks his neice omfg hahaha ahahaha gaagahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahaga hahahaha ahahahahajaahaja

I sincerely hope you all die in severe pain. fucking faggot nigger losers.


Ya done?

funny shit man, keep it up!! when are you coming to my city? I wanna buy some tickets to see your comedy stylings.

fucken nailed us

You forgot to mention that Redbar is a faggot and Bam fucked Linsey, you chink.

It's not your fault… It's not your fault

Hilarious account where you say mean things except none of them are funny. You are alright Mean Chip.

I'm glad you got this off your chest.

That's like double redundant dude..nigger=loser.faggot =loser.WEED=KRATOM=DEATH.