LBJ's biography is like reading this sub

25  2017-03-31 by throwawizzlemahnizzl

“Be ready to take up the goddamned nigra bill again,” he told one of the southern senators, Sam Ervin of North Carolina. Walking over to a group of southerners, he told them there was no choice but to take it up, and to pass at least part of it. “I’m on your side, not theirs,” he told them. “But be practical. We’ve got to give the goddamned niggers something.” “Listen,” he told James Eastland of Mississippi, who was anxious to adjourn for the year, “we might as well face it. We’re not gonna be able to get out of here until we’ve got some kind of nigger bill.”

History is hilarious.


My favorite LBJ moment

I was expecting the JFK assassination.

Fucking mick had it coming...

Username checks out

Kennedy was the one that put the recording devices in the White House. After Bay Of Pigs, he wanted everything recorded so if there was any more fuck ups, the true story would be on record this time. There's some amazing recordings of them talking through the Cuban Missile Crisis.

If you like any of this crap, listen to the latest episode of Dan Carlin's podcast. (All 6 hours of it)

What a guy "you know, where the nuts hang." I love LBJ.

This is why HBO's All the Way is the greatest piece of fiction ever written. He'd also whip his dick out every chance he got. Guess he was pretty proud of it.

LBJ was a lot like Opie...JFK used him to get where he needed to be, sorta shunned him when he became president, then went and got shot in the head.

What a coincidence? ?????????

I saw Bryan Cranston do it when it was still on Broadway. Goddamn, was that an electrifying performance.

And he held staff meetings while taking a shit.

I wonder if LBJ was being sincere towards the Southern Democrats when he said he just wanted to give the niggers a little something so they'll vote Democrat, or if he was being sincere towards the niggers and tricked those good ol' boy retards into helping darky.

The Caro version?


If this is the Caro version, which book? I'm still on the first one but will gladly skip ahead to read this.

The beginning of the third book, Master of the Senate.

You're a good egg.

The Nixon Watergate Tapes one on HBO is just as good, holy shit. He hated Ted Kennedy, one of the clips he talks about cutting the funding for Secret Service for Ted, hoping he gets shot. It's amazing.

LBJ loved to pull pranks on people, and one of the "fun hijinx" he'd pull was taking out a car full of unsuspecting passengers, pretending that the steering and brakes had gone out, then driving the car full of people screaming for their lives...into a lake. Because the car turned into a boat. What a hoot.

LBJ loved to pull pranks on people,

He pulled a hell of a prank on JFK

Good clean shot yuma

He would also donkeypunch Ladybird. What a jokester

"He was constantly pulling his trousers lower, either in front or back, while complaining about his tailor’s failure to provide him with sufficient “ball room,” and he was continually, openly and at length, scratching his rear end—quite deeply into his rear end sometimes. He would plunge a hand into a side pocket of his trousers and scratch his groin."

Variety act Dick Vostein will be performing LIVE on The Colgate Comedy Hour this Thursday, 7pm on Channel 2. Presented in full technicolor on compatible RCA sets.

I have heard that LBJ had a nice piece, as Opie would say. I have also heard that he had an Amphicar that he would drive into the pond on his property, screaming for help and pretending that the brakes failed to frighten his guests.

I almost forgive him for killing that Mick with the good head of hair now.

Lebron James said all of this?

And we've been paying for that nigger bill ever since.

Who's Bill?

Ironically, the one US president who did more for Blacks' civil rights and the infrastructure of poor Americans than any other.

Plus he did it all in one term, and only had to help collude to kill his predecessor (allegedly) and incinerate a million gooks to make it happen.

He also enjoyed cheeseburgers, good whiskey and fucking anything female that moved. In short, a patriot.

It's too bad most members of the Black Lives Matter gang aren't more familiar with their Democratic Party.

"On another occasion, Jenkins told him about a lack of cooperation from some agency bureaucrat “What does he want?—me to kiss his ass?” Johnson shouted. “Tell him I’ll kiss him on both cheeks. I’ll kiss him in the middle, too, if he wants it.” His office conversation was permeated by sexual imagery. “Take that tie off,” he would tell one of his male staffers. “That knot looks like a limp prick.”

This guy's a riot.

Years before, while he was still only an assistant to a congressman, Lyndon Johnson himself had had two assistants, two teenage young men who had been his students when he was a high school teacher back in Texas. One, Gene Latimer, gave Johnson the unquestioning deference Johnson wanted; he would work for him for thirty-five years as “his slave—his totally willing slave.” The other, Luther E. Jones, would not; ambitious and independent, he was afraid that “you lose your individuality if you allow someone to be too demanding for too long,” and if he disagreed with Johnson about something, he would voice his disagreement.

Jones, a neat young man who was invariably well scrubbed, with his hair carefully slicked down, was reserved, almost prim, in physical matters; “Any kind of coarseness or crudeness just disgusted him,” a friend says. Johnson began summoning Jones to take dictation from him while he was sitting on the toilet. “At first," Latimer says, “L.E. attempted to stand away from the door, but Johnson insisted he stand right over him. L.E. would stand with his head averted, and take dictation.” As both Latimer and Jones understood, the tactic was a “method of control”—employed to humiliate Jones, and make him acknowledge who was boss."*

The negras,gotta love that murdering bastard.

I was expecting the JFK assassination.

Kennedy was the one that put the recording devices in the White House. After Bay Of Pigs, he wanted everything recorded so if there was any more fuck ups, the true story would be on record this time. There's some amazing recordings of them talking through the Cuban Missile Crisis.

If you like any of this crap, listen to the latest episode of Dan Carlin's podcast. (All 6 hours of it)

What a guy "you know, where the nuts hang." I love LBJ.