8  2017-03-31 by Dennyislife


I hate Sams middle school fashion sense

Shrek with his son and donkey.

Sam, shave your head and do it now.

But the shape of his head is so awful...

A man and two pederast homosexuals.

ME: Patrice should have went on my show first!

Prison ain't all that bad when you're big

The worst part is that they're both wearing RDJ-style manlet shoes.

I can see lil Jimmy is keeping the shoe cobbler in NYC in business.

After looking at this picture, I think we've at Sam's intentions wrong this whole time. He isn't trying to get a wwe talk show. He's wants to join the wwe as a caveman-themed wreslter.

Sam is not aging well

That guy is big af tbqh famalam.

Sam's dying.

You think a guy who has literally never eaten a vegetable would be deteriorating, health wise?

Can you imagine the size and frequency of that man's dumps?

Andre The Giant used to have to shit in a bathtub.

The Big Show is looking very Scorch-like

douche or radio show host

I'm still amazed that Sam had a baby a month ago, and has already left his wife and baby about 5 times to go to wrestling events and LA week.

God damn Sam is an ugly mother fucker.

Sam dresses like the people Red Letter Media are parodying with their The Nerd Crew shows.

fuck that guy on the left is ugly.