Mrs Chipperson?? NSFW

30  2017-03-31 by ricswrangler


Is that her? Where did this come from

Her who?

OP posted it.

Don't you start with me

bling it

Id like to rub some oerl on that

Disappointed. I thought she had a peckah

We can see that lady's coota dvv dvv

Ninety nine percent certain this is bullshit. I hate the one percent that makes my pecka stiff.

It's bullshit. It was posted to cuck subs under the username youngwife23

If you look at the car it's not even the same. This guy is full of bull sugah.

Yeah, I had a feeling. I'm a faggot for hoping differently. Oh well, off to kill myself now!

Rait for me prease

Though I've never seen this picture before I'd recognize my own wife anywhere, sir. Surely you found this image in a different sub and will cease this slander immediately.

when are all the internet cucks just going to kill themselves already? they ruin everything.

oh gawdamnit ... dats not even hur

Who is this bitch? Verrrry nice.

Too young to be Mrs. Chippah.

No moles, isn't her

Whaddaya a dermatologist or sumtin?

No hard, eight-inch clitoris? Yuck.

Wait, so this isn't one of those weird perspective illusions where her spread legs are actually just the car seat?

roast beef au jus

What's the context? Doesn't even look like her.

kelsey cook you mean?

I guarantee Jim Norton will read this thread and pop a boner

That is one cute pussy.

What an idiot, she'll get cold without pants on.

If you look at the car it's not even the same. This guy is full of bull sugah.

Though I've never seen this picture before I'd recognize my own wife anywhere, sir. Surely you found this image in a different sub and will cease this slander immediately.

when are all the internet cucks just going to kill themselves already? they ruin everything.