Anthony Cumia, "Ugh. Pushing 40 saying 'dope'? Ooooof."......Yes, Ant. It's 2017, really not that strange, you dagosaurus

4  2017-03-31 by gregorio_ilidivich


Tranthony is pushing 60, plays video games and with his remote control helicopter, uses the word sick all the time and needs a grown woman he is not fucking to cook his meals and make his bed.

After creating a geologic map of his face using technologies, Ant is pushing 60 if he was born on Feb 29th of 8,000 BC

Is amazing those isotopes were still radioactive after all this time.

So he feels you can be too old to use a certain word in a particular context but you're never too old to sleep with a 16 year old girl?

Its honestly shocking Ant is so old he thinks MC Scorch lingo is hip, yet admits to watching children's shows with the "girls" he takes advantage of