gf: ffs are you coming to bed? me: lol, no.

54  2017-03-31 by Nulltor


If this doesn't end with a live decapitation I will be so bummed out

Of course he cried.

What else do you expect from someone who wears mommy's shoes?

Refresher of Stetten dropping that bomb for the new folks - .

Sue is legit prettier than Stetten

i kinda liked that stetten girl but the best part was when she forgot to log into her different account and gave a raving positive review about herself in the comment section of the site she was fired from

Stetten was Anth's high point...things have been all downhill since then

"sue" is a severely mentally ill man and his real name is probably cliff or frank or something

and is a better piece of ass than any girl who will voluntarily touch your penis at any time in your remaining life

Ha. You wanna fuck a man. Queer.


Sounds like someone has a case of the grumpies. I am perfectly happy without some dude in a wig trying to smack around my pud. If you are into mentally ill men I suggest cruising skid row... they are probably easier to deal with than frank lightning

This is the mentally ill man mecha.

Sue is my waifu

I think you mean husbando, you futa loving homo

Even if she has a feminine penis?

Ole pissy eyes

The thing with Ant is he should not get in twitter wars. Even if he is 100% in the right there is so much to use against him

Mike is a nice guy.

Guy made a career of making fun of people yet acts like Opie when someone gets the joke on him, your time has passed Grandpa Cumia


I almost feel bad for going so hard on Cumia if it's making him cry. I must be getting soft.

If it's true that means everything everyone assumed was correct. If it was just a wacky misunderstanding and us making wild assumptions he would laugh it off and call us idiots.

He bit a teenager's hand in the heat of battle. Fuck 'em.

bit a teenager's hand in the heat of battle

This sounds like a Master Po line

He's crying because he knows he's a tranny-fucker buthe doesn't want his subscribers base to know & lose out on leeching off their cashflow.

You're weak.

I'm trying to change!

This sub has no effect on his life.

Laugh your tears away, Anthony.

This is fucking amazing