Reminder that Opie traded in his watch from the first Patrice benefit

45  2017-03-30 by OldGearJammer


That was hilarious actually

What a lowlife

If you believe him. He's a lying sack of shit.

Look fuckface, he didn't need the watch. Him and Patrice were incredibly close and he doesn't need material possessions to prove it, to be cumpletly honest with you, ok? sniff

Opie has breasts

Ant said once that Opie wore a Tag, and I think he said his wife got him a Rolex for his wedding, so he doesn't need a Citizen or whatever it was (I think he said Citizen)... but returning it is a shit move.

Yeah, I just figured that even if Opie has better watches, it's a funny move since the two were so close... Even if it was a $200 watch, you'd think the sentimental value would be worth more than a few Macy's shirts.

He's worth over 15 million dollars and he goes and returns a watch he gets at a benefit for a dead friend. Bet the watch wasn't even worth a grand if it was returned to Macy's.

What a fucking scumbag.