"We lost Jimmy"

19  2017-03-30 by EncinoEscobar

I've been listening to the Jimmy laugh compilations and noticed when Ant fucking kills it with a line Opie will give it about 5 seconds then hit out with "we lost Jimmy", "come back Jimmy" or try to change the subject. He says it in this sickly childish tone that screams passive aggressive cunt. Not sure where I'm going with this but fuck Opie


When you're a ME-ME-ME sociopathic fuck, you take everything that you don't like as a personal attack. Opie felt like Jim and Ant getting along was a personal slight against him

do you think he'd say the same if he had elicited the laugh

This is an OPIE and anthony fan site sir. If you don't like the rules, you can see your way out.

Good day.


i dont get Ant's joke?

Yeah, me either just used it for Dipshits reaction. I even read the captain and tennille's wiki page to look for clues for the only word I heard clearly "Doctor" and came up with fuck all apart from I need a job.

Olivia Newton John had breast cancer and had one of her breasts removed.


Tits doesn't get any humor, so he can't understand why jimmy is laughing his ass off.

A few times in those compilations, you'll heear him end all the humor by saying "it doesn't get any better than that" then going to break. Like he knows just how far the humor can go. He has bee shitting all over the flow and fun of the show since WNEW.

No need to justify "where you were going with this" - i think I know the fucking line you're talking about. Was Jack Sub-Par during Scorch beating.....or, Ant saying the only person who has it easy with a water head kid is the barber....

Opie's behavior during the satellite years when Ant & Jimmy were on a roll will drive you to turn off the fucking clip. He was such a cunty, talentless oaf....I'm sure he still is but I haven't subjected myself to his horseshit show since '15

Nobody cares what you noticed you spectrum dwelling dunce.

He keeps the show going brotherman