Lest we forget: Patrice's final appearance on O&A ended with Greggshells

92  2017-03-30 by drakeyequation



Patrice died not liking Opie and I find comfort in that.

could be related

But they talked on the phone for OWWWWWWWWERRRRRRRRZZZZZ!

I'm the real asshole for ever forgetting how atrocious Opie is. I can go months without thinking about him once, due to his irrelevancy even amongst O&A fans. I start to think that maybe we were a little harsh and if he had a gun in his mouth right now I'd tell him to stop, but then I hear shit like this.

Wear gloves, there's got to be caked on piss and shit all over those wretched things

Would you have yelled, "hold on, hold on, hold on"??

see you guys mun deee. Fuck Opie I hope he gets cancer.

This really says it all.

You probably said too much.

Do you ever find being on a movie set to be somewhat of an aphrodisiac?

So what you're saying, in essence, is that you sniff so much in order to please your father?

ME: Naw, naw, whaddya FAWKIN' talking about!? Just leave it alone! sniff

whaht the FFfawk is that about? we handled that off aiirrr?? (with upward screeching inflection)

Those fat fun bags give a man a high pitch.

Colin Quinn is the champion of the people

I'll take your word for it. Fuck Opie


Just click it, it's in the link!

Hey clown. He is most likely on mobile. Timestamps dont ahow up for people on their phones, otherwise they wouldnt be asking.


Thank rou. It's enlaging how stupid Opie tlies to alrays make out, after the fact, that his inane qrestions were somehow pranned with his masterful intelviwers mind. He's a fucking riar.

Patrice was also the first one to notice Gregg's tits

He walked on Greggshells for our souls.

What I would give to hear Patrice's take on the last 3 years in the O&A Universe...

He'd call them all faggots and go on Bennington instead.

it would be amazing to hear him belittle Gail and call her pumpkin

Or him in Trump, or him on the Dark Knight Rises... so many things I'd want him to react to. Batman vs Superman, Pacific Rim, blacklivesmatter, Amy...

I honestly believe that if Patrice stayed alive, he wouldve seriously given Opie a piece of his mind

HYA HYA HYA HYA HYA well said yeeeeeeah

Seriously. Opie is doing such bitch shit all the time. He did it when Patrice was alive too but it was bearable and never escalated into stuff. Patrice would have called him out

High pitched opie

that is amazing.

I remember after Patrice died, Opie said he was so devastated that he couldn't listen to clips of Patrice because it was, "too sad to hear his voice". Given that he had just died it was an understandable thing to say, despite the fact that it was clear that him and Patrice just weren't that close. But months later, when everybody else had moved on, they played a clip from Elephant in the Room and Opie shouted, "I-I-I can't do it, I-I can't listen to his voice!" before dramatically backing away and saying off mic two or three more times, "I can't listen to his voice!". This made everybody noticeably uncomfortable as they sat silently while the audio played. I don't think Anthony was in that day and I can't find the audio, but thinking about it now makes my fucking skin crawl. I fucking hate Opie.

I'd be Interesting to hear this if you end up finding it.

ED GEIN......

spending "A FUN DAY INDOORS" w/ my mother and favorite aunt.......couldnt provoke in me the hatred & revilement i feel for this squealing-faggot-ginger-hack

opie only picks up the phone when the mafia calls

Anthony with the co-dependant save

I've been sitting here trying to imagine a 2 hour long conversation between Opie and Patrice... I can't even talk to my own family on the phone longer than 5 minutes..

What's great is Patrice didn't kowtow like everyone else did, but called him out on it a 2nd time

Estrogen is a hell of a drug.

I'd be Interesting to hear this if you end up finding it.