Patrice sighting

13  2017-03-30 by unclepaul84


No, that's Shaquille O'Neal. It's okay. Honest mistake

Who names these kids.

Those ppl name them like they are naming vanity plates for their car.

'N' people.

There must have been a slave owning Irishman who bred the biggest slaves

Irishmen were practically niggers themselves in the time of slavery. I'm pretty sure there were just brothels full of micks and coloreds from whence the Tracy McGradys and Donovan Mcnabbs of the world came from.

"The Irish do for a nickel what a nigger does for a dime and what a white man used to get paid a quarter for"

Sir, I do not know where this quote came from but I'm going to assume it's scripture.

Bill the Butcher said that in the movie "Gangs of New York". So yea, it's basically scripture since he was a prophet.

back then, you'd get a suckandfuck for a penny.

Yeah, my great great great great grandfather was a bit of a cuck and my great great great great grandmother was a size queen.