This pretty much sums it all up.

45  2017-03-30 by ricswrangler


On the large? You mean at large?

I think this photo may have been doctored. By an idiot.

Not sure what they meant, it's a screen grab from @jimandsam on twitter. They're were asking if it was a photoshop. I think it's not, his forehead is really that large.


Probably meant on the loose.

get that hypnotic ape off of the Large!

That's what he WANTS you to think!

Is he saying,see this head, it's empty.

for someone thats supposed to know everything pop culture and wrestling he has pretty terrible knowledge of both

  • On the loose
  • At large
  • Kill yourself

pick one

  • ????

  • Profit!

In the introduction they did a quick camera pan over to Sam and it scared me. We need a warning.

albino Xavier Woods, minus the working dick

Oof his hair looks more awful every time I see it.