I guess Opie was just better at phone calls.

85  2017-03-30 by Dennyislife


He and Patrice just weren't that close.

Sure they knew each other for decades and fucked whores together, but did they ever really hang

Ope really needed Patrice that day.

He wasn't there for Patrice that one day.

Patrice said odd shit to people.

There is a clip out there where Patrice talks about his comedy friends like Norton and how they're not actually really great friends or anything like that.

I wish I could find that, maybe someone knows what I'm talking about. It wasn't malicious or anything, just being honest about the reality of the relationship he has with some of his comedian friends.

I remember that. Patrice was saying that he and Bobby could go 6 months without talking sometimes, and then just pick right back up the next time they see each other. I think he was explaining how guys being friends with guys is different than chicks being friends with chicks. So of course it makes sense that Opie would lie and create the "chick friend" scenario, there he and Patrice are up for hours gossping and eating Ben & Jerry's.

I think he was saying in the discussion Bobby was actually his friend. Where as the rest were comedy friends.

But if Norton got 10 minute calls Opie and Anthony should have gotten 5.


passive aggressive jim is the best

i like it when he was acting like a little bitch around that DL nigger

I wish Jim would just smash him proper once and for all

It's going to take opie saying don't go to Jim's gigs or don't watch Jim's special before Jim smashes Opie on air

"making each other laugh"??

Tits has lived his life by one motto: You can easily fool all of the people all of the time

He rearned flom blother rheeze that all you have to do is keep on tarking even if you are an idiot with a pea for a blain.

Your vocabulary is improving rapidly. Keep it up!

Rill do


He doesn't fool us.. right gang?

Gotta give it to him, it worked for a long time. Still working on his retarded listeners.

Never going to happen. Even if it did, it'd sound like "Opie is a fucking unfunny cunt, then again people have said the same thing about me. Every instinct Opie has is bad, but I'm not perfect either. Opie made my life miserable for two years, but I've probably made people miserable for longer. Now where are my egg whites and mustard?"

"I don't know, man. That's a tough one. Sometimes, friendships change and you're both going towards the same place, but you're taking different routes."

That's fucking hilarious. First time I've found someone being passive aggressive funny.

What did Opie say to bring this tweet about?

1) Thank you

2) Why is he just so willing to blatantly lie? It's really a sickness.

Because no one ever calls him out and the person who can confirm his story, is dead

I think he rearned it flom his mother ok!

He basically stole this from Bob Kelly who I actually believe him when he says he'd spend hours on the phone with Patrice. This never happened, he takes other people's stories and makes them his own. He also did this with Anthony's police throwing the PBA cards back in his lap story.

He also stole some story of Anthony's about a concert iirc

I think it was Florentine's story of a friend pissing in beer bottles during the show.

and Fez's childhood lunch story

What dude is talking to other dudes on the phone for hours? Is this a Proud Boy rite of passage? 3rd Degree: talk to another man about your feelings for an awkward amount of time.

There is a clip out there where Patrice talks about his comedy friends like Norton and how they're not actually really great friends or anything like that.

I wish I could find that, maybe someone knows what I'm talking about. It wasn't malicious or anything, just being honest about the reality of the relationship he has with some of his comedian friends.

Look at Sam's muffin and look at mine. His is practically falling apart. From now on, I want the interns to put an equal amount of blueberries in each muffin. I don't care how long it is going to take. An equal amount of blueberries in each muffin.



If I went 15 years without seeing my own father, the phone call we would have would probably run dry after about 45 minutes