Behind The Scenes Of Corey Feldman And Angelic 2 The Core - Watch the first "choreography" video for maximum embarrassment. Or all of them for that matter.

23  2017-03-30 by crookedmile



Big jay and Sider just found out what the next 37 episodes of The Bonfire are gonna be about.

The only thing to be found at the link you posted are clips of some good time singing and dancing.

Or do you mean it's embarrassing how much fun they're having?

If so, I concur.

He seems like a swell fella.

We think it's wonderful how they save time on writing and choreographing by just copying anything Michael Jackson did, right guys?

It's a tribute, you can hear the children crying on the backing track.

Yes, clys of pure joy.

I don't get how Ant can make fun of him when he's the radio version of Cory Feldman

They should team up for a PizzaGate & PizzaFaceGate Variety Hour.

Sir Romeo. Ah an aristocrat

Gol-ly, first Joe "Did I mention I'm Italian" Matarese on Red Eye, then Jim "(((Down goes garage door)))" Breuer's music video, now this? What a cringe-inducing week!

"that was so perfect!" says the skinny gay black dance teacher after Corey is done convulsing.

jesus, having some yes-man around you can really be destructive, huh?

How about the framed piece of google image art hanging above the fireplace...

He is my favorite delusional person.