Tickets still avaliable

2  2017-03-30 by unclepaul84


dassabesso, howcouldthisbeandnfuckin...

I could've gotten a ticket, but I instead made an appointment to be viciously gang raped by a group of black gentlemen.

It was, the right decision.

a wise choice.

Less chance you would have ever psychologically recovered from witnessing this hackery live.

What is opie doing that is different at all. The average weekday show at either of the comedy cellar locations or at the stand nyc has a better lineup than this.

Opie is gonna be out front barking, like Pete Holmes had to in Crashing.

Travis dog

At first, I thought Opie was doing a live show, like J&S did... not a standup event with his name on it despite him not being part of it.

Some of the comments from eager fans:

Who is rich vos


Who's the lesbian in the middle?

"Worst line up ever".

8pm show is sold out but they added a 10pm show. even the haters have to admit that this is already a huge success. i can't wait.

But it's not sold out.. they are both still 'almost sold out' and they have been for nearly 4 weeks

Can the other four serve drinks while vos does a full 2 hours?

When I saw him last he kept wincing and claiming he was in the middle of an anxiety attack.

Is this suppose to be his 2017 version of The Virus? He has fallen so far without Anthony.

Opie standing over the shoulder of whoever he had make this poster: "Now put a fawkin neon blue glow around each comic! Yeah, bad ass!!"

I'm going to be really disappointed if nobody from this sub nuts up and executes Vic Henley for the good of the planet. No picture has ever made me angrier than any image of his face.

I seriously don't know what to think about Florentine. Sometimes he's hilarious and sometimes he's cringey as fuck.


Opie is gonna be out front barking, like Pete Holmes had to in Crashing.