You might be a faggot (10/324)

0  2017-03-29 by RedditorsAreFagggots

if you think anything on this website is either funny or remotely worthwhile.

Reddit is fucking cancer, if you use this site you are a dick smoking faggot nigger.

MUH DOWNVOTES! jump monkey jump for me you motherfucking faggot.


No shit retard. This website's for faggots.

That's why i exclusively browse 9gag and /CK/. Only places on the internet that are worthwhile

you forgot /tv/

This post is neither funny nor remotely worthwhile

Edit: Oh, I just got it!

Edit 2: Oh... I'm the dick smoker :-/ <===8

When are you just gonna come over here and smooch on my penis you fucking faggot?

Oh my sweetie,did mommy take her shoes back.